Bireuen-TNI AL Police Intensify Patrols To Prevent Rohingya Immigrants

BANDA ACEH - The Bireuen Resort Police, Aceh, intensified joint patrols of waters with the Indonesian Navy to prevent Rohingya immigrants from entering Indonesian territory.

Bireuen Police Chief AKBP Jatmiko said joint patrols involved personnel from the Polairud Unit, Peudada Police, and Indonesian Navy soldiers Pos Peudada.

"This joint patrol aims to anticipate the entry of Rohingya illegal immigrants into Aceh waters, especially territorial waters including Peudada, Samalanga, and Gandapura, Bireuen Regency," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 18.

The police chief said the main targets of patrols were foreign ships suspected of transporting illegal immigrants and ships suspected of carrying smuggled goods or being involved in other illegal activities.

According to Jatmiko, the patrol is a preventive or preventive measure after the incident of the stranding of 36 Rohingya illegal immigrants in Peudada, on Monday (16/10).

Meanwhile, the Head of the Polairud Unit of the Bireuen Police, Iptu Afdar, stated that there is a possibility that certain individuals were involved in smuggling Rohingya illegal immigrants into the Peudada waters.

"This patrol is very important in maintaining security and regional order. We also coordinate with various parties in maintaining regional security from various illegal activities that can harm the community and the state," said Afdar.

Previously, 36 Rohingya immigrants were stranded in Gampong Matang Pasi, Peudada District, Bireuen Regency, Monday (16/10) at 06.00 WIB. Of the 36 immigrants, 14 of them were men, 12 women, and 10 children.