PLN Increases PLN Capacity At The Indonesian KPU To Support The Registration Of Vice Presidential Candidates
JAKARTA - Soon the process of registering presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2024 presidential election will be carried out. For this reason, the PLN of the Greater Jakarta Distribution Main Unit will strengthen electricity for the General Election Commission (KPU) building of the Republic of Indonesia or the Central KPU, on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta. A five-layer power supply is prepared by PLN to strengthen the electricity of the Central KPU.
For the registration of presidential and vice-presidential candidates which were held from 19 to 25 October 2023, PLN prepared 2 units of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with a total power of 600 kilos Volt Ampere (kVA).
As many as 70 personnel were alerted to oversee the reliability of this stage of electricity. The Central KPU electricity supply is equipped with automatic transfer equipment, not only medium voltage but also low voltage. With this automatic transfer device, electricity will move to the reserve supply if the main side experiences disruption.
Lasiran, General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit Jakarta Raya said that PLN is ready to make Indonesia's grand celebration a success every 5 years with sufficient and reliable electricity supply. He said that in all stages of the election until 2024, PLN will not only strengthen the Central KPU building but also to locations that support elections such as Bawaslu, KPUD, Pemenangan Command Post, to polling stations (TPS).
"In the election stage, namely the registration of the Vice Presidential Candidate, PLN is fully alert so that reliable electricity in the Central KPU building through electricity strengthening and standby personnel," said Lasiran in a written statement, Tuesday, October 17.
Standard Operational Procedure or special SOPs are also prepared by PLN in every standby reliability of large events including at the Central KPU for the registration of the Vice Presidential Candidate. Several scenarios are prepared and tested to ensure the reliability of the electricity supply.