Prabowo Subianto's Candidate For President Prabowo Is Most Highlighted By Warganet, According To Netray Monitoring

In less than four months, Indonesia will hold the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). However, the presidential candidate (Babakpres) from the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, is still considering who will be his deputy in the presidential election battle which will be held on February 14, 2024.

Of the three presidential readings, only Anies Baswedan has made a declaration. The Presidential Decree of the Coalition for Change is determined to cooperate with PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar in a declaration held in Surabaya in early September.

As the registration of pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates at the Commission on October 19-25, the names linked to Prabowo continued. Starting from Erick Thohir to Khofifah Indar Parawansa, it is said that they will accompany the man who was born on October 17, 1951.

But among all the names mentioned, the wildest issue is the emergence of Ganjar Pranowo as Prabowo Subianto's vice presidential candidate.

Netray mengulik nama-nam yang kerap disebut sebagai Bacawapres Prabowo Subianto melalui pemberitaan media daring pada periode 22-29 September 2023. Sebanyak 530 artikel dari 88 media diketahui membahas topic ini.

Using the top entities feature in the person category, the name Gibran Rakabuming Raka is among the most widely referred to as Prabowo's companion ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Not without reason that President Joko Widodo's eldest son is associated with Prabowo.

The appearance of the Mayor of Solo began with the words of the Secretary-General of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) Afriansyah Noor that his party wanted a young figure to accompany Prabowo.

Along with these rumors, Gibran's name received positive sentiment as much as 58 percent or 24 articles out of a total of 41 articles that reported Gibran as Prabowo's Bacawapres. Meanwhile, negative sentiment only appeared in two reports following the PDIP's disapproval of Gibran in pairs with Prabowo.

The statistics of the news of Ganjar Pranowo's name. (Netray)

Gibran himself chose to budge every time he was asked about the UN offer. It could be that he did not want his comments to backfire, especially since Gibran's candidacy as a vice presidential candidate was hindered by the age limit. According to Law Number 7 of 2017, the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates is 40 years.

Apart from Gibran, other names that are also mentioned as accompanying Prabowo are Airlangga Hartanto, Erick Thohir, to Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

However, from these names, only Ganjar Pranowo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Khofifah Indar Parawansa were in the spotlight on YouTube.

In the period and using the same keyword, 386 videos were found during the monitoring period. From this upload, netizens have watched 5.5 million times and obtained 52 thousand likes and 35.1 thousand comments.

Gibran is among the most prominent with 102 mentions, followed by Khofifah with 67 mentions. However, Gibran still lost to Ganjar's name with 108 mentions.

In the midst of several names that are said to be accompanying Prabowo Subianto, one of the most surprising names is the emergence of Ganjar Pranowo. Even the name of the former Governor of Central Java is mentioned in 170 articles together with Prabowo.

Ganjar's news as Prabowo's Vice Presidential Candidate gave rise to positive sentiment. A total of 90 articles say they agree to be paired in the presidential election.

Ganjar, who was matched with Prabowo, then raised a discourse on the possibility of the 2024 presidential election which was attended by two pairs of candidates (Paslon). According to a number of observers, the possibility of two axes in the 2024 presidential election is something that Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar duo want to avoid.

Understandably, the couple from the Coalition for Change is predicted to have difficulty defeating Prabowo with Ganjar if the two axes really happen. The pair nicknamed AMIN Baklan is predicted to be disbanded if they have to duel with Prabowo and Ganjar.

"If the two axes are assumed to be Ganjar with Prabowo against AMIN, I don't think it's possible, but if two axes of Ganjar head to head with Prabowo, AMIN is disbanded," said Executive Director of Indonesian Political Parameters (PPI) Adi Prayitno.

Meanwhile, political observers of the Young King of Bataona said that only a miracle could make the discourse of the two axes in the 2024 presidential election a reality.

"Regarding the chances of two axes, in my opinion it is very difficult. Is it possible that PDIP will lower their position for Ganjar to become Prabowo's Vice Presidential Candidate? Psychologically, if that is done, PDIP can collapse instantly as a big party. This is not a matter of Ganjar, or Megawati or Puan, but this is a matter of honor, big name and position of PDIP," said Mikhara Bataona, who is also a lecturer in political communication science and Critical Theory at the Faculty of Political Social Sciences, Universitas Catholic Widya Mandira Kupang.