Answering The Issue Of Entering Jokowi's Cabinet, Democrats Don't Want To Wish

JAKARTA - The Democratic Party (PD) answered the issue of entering the cabinet after the meeting of the Party High Council (MTP) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) with President Joko Widodo at the Bogor Palace, a few days ago.

"We don't want to think about responding to the discourse," said Deputy for Bappilu of the Democratic Party Kamhar Lakumani to reporters, Thursday, October 5. The issue surfaced after PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah admitted to hearing a glimpse of the news that the Democrats joined the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government. "We don't want to respond too much to Pak Said Abdullah's statement, let alone just hearing a glimpse," he continued.

Kamhar emphasized that the meeting between SBY and President Jokowi did not discuss practical politics. The two statesmen, he said, only talked about national politics. "There is nothing to do between this national gathering and the growing reshuffle issue," he stressed. Kamhar added, currently the Democratic Party is focusing on the success of the upcoming 2024 Pilleg and Presidential Election. As well as regulating the winning strategy. "The focus is on achieving the target of the seat occupancy of the DPR in all electoral districts and focusing on winning Mr. Prabowo as President in the upcoming 2024 presidential election," he said.

Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Said Abdullah admitted that he had heard a glimpse of the Democrats entering the advanced Indonesia cabinet. The rumors coincided with the issue of a cabinet reshuffle that surfaced after the meeting between SBY and Jokowi at the Bogor Palace.

"I hear about the news, I hear. But whether it's something certain, of course Pak Jokowi and Pak SBY know exactly what it is," said Said, Wednesday, October 4. "Let the matter of changing ministers be fully under President Jokowi's authority. We uphold the constitution which confirms that we adhere to presidential principles, where the President has full authority in determining his cabinet," he continued.

However, Said said, PDIP would respect if Jokowi offered Democrats entry to the cabinet. According to him, the meeting between SBY and Jokowi cooled the atmosphere of national politics, which at the end of the year had heated tension. "Even if in the end President Jokowi accommodated representatives of the Democratic Party into the cabinet which is currently led by President Jokowi, we fully respect that decision," said Said.