Official 'Whoosh' High Speed Train Operates, Don't Forget Support Transportation At Padalarang Station

JAKARTA - The inauguration of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB), named Right, is proof that Indonesia is a developed country that focuses on building high-tech transportation infrastructure.

"We all have to be proud of ourselves, our country is the pioneer of the fast train in Southeast Asia," said DPR Speaker Puan Maharani, Tuesday, October 3.

Inaugurated on Monday (2/10) yesterday, the 'Whoosh' High Speed Train has been operated in general at free fares until mid-October. The KCJB tariff will range from IDR 250 thousand to 350 thousand, where the proposed tariff is based on the Argo Parahyangan train tariff which is in the range of IDR 200 thousand to IDR 250 thousand.

Puan reminded that the 'Whoosh' high-speed train fare is adjusted to the capabilities of the community. Moreover, the budget used for the KCJB project is guaranteed by the Indonesian State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

Puan reminded the government to pay attention to the supporting facilities for the 'Whoosh' High Speed Train. Puan detailed that the infrastructure ranges from facilities and services on trains and stations, to convenience for the public to access KCJB.

"The government needs to pay attention to how fast train stations are easily accessible to the public. With easy access, of course, it will attract public interest," said the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.

Therefore, Puan supports that access to the high-speed train station is increasing. So that it is not only integrated with the East Jakarta Halim LRT station, but also with other modes of transportation.

"Similarly with those in Bandung. The government must facilitate access by preparing supporting transportation at Padalarang Station," said Puan.

"So this work should not be considered complete only with the inauguration of the fast train, but must be improved by preparing feeder trains or feeders which are continued transportation to and from high-speed train stations," he continued.

Puan hopes that the Government can reflect on the case of Kertajati Airport, which had died due to lack of supporting access and continued transportation. In fact, the airport was built to fulfill the public's desire for air transportation around West Java.

"The government should not be late in responding to transportation facilities that are empty of interest because of difficult supporting facilities. Kertajati Airport has become an example, the DPR hopes that the progress of the construction of supporting facilities for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train can be implemented immediately," said Puan.

Furthermore, the Regional Government was also encouraged to take advantage of the presence of the 'Whoosh' High Speed Train to build the economy. Puan hopes that KCJB can further improve people's welfare.

"In general, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train can have an impact on the national economy because it can facilitate and accelerate access to citizens from Jakarta-Bandung, and vice versa. This is of course very useful, especially for business people who do a lot of mobility," he said.