Donald Trump And His Wife Positive For COVID-19 In Today's Memory, October 2, 2020

JAKARTA Memories of today, three years ago, October 2, 2020, the President of the United States (US), Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19. Both of them were immediately quarantined and perpetuated recovery.

Previously, Trump was known as a figure who often underestimated the virus from Wuhan. He denies COVID-19 is a dangerous virus. Moreover, it can kill many lives. COVID-19 is nothing more than a virus that causes the common cough flu. Trump appealed to the people not to worry.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shocked the whole world since the end of 2019. The impact of the virus is everywhere. The world feels it. Some have lost their relatives. Some have lost their jobs. Even countries in the world have to struggle to avoid the recession because they are affected by COVID-19.

All the leaders of countries in the world take a stand. They force their citizens to stay at home. Those who leave the house are forced to apply preventive measures. Wear a mask and keep your distance.

The narrative is like bringing new fear of COVID-19. However, not everyone is subject to believing in the virus from Wuhan is dangerous. The US President, Donald Trump, especially. The US number one considers COVID-19 to be just an ordinary cough flu virus. No more.

The impact of high COVID-19 transmission and causing death is considered too much. Moreover, it must apply lockdown rules or lockdowns. He considered the danger of COVID-19 to be like fake news. Alias, the danger of COVID-19 is only China's trick to disrupt the world.

Trump made the accusations many times. In fact, Trump did not hesitate to call COVID-19 aChinese Virus, or Kung-Flu. Trump's racist accusations are fundamental because COVID-19 originated in China.

Trump's stupid attitude has also received opposition from here and there. However, not a few were inspired by Trump. They then underestimated the presence of the COVID-19 virus. Many of them refused tests and then the COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, ignoring the rules for preventing COVID-19.

I've always handled Chinese Virus very seriously, and have been doing the job very well from the start. Including my initial decision to close the border from China which goes against almost everyone's wishes."

"Many lives were saved. The new narrative regarding COVID-19 is nothing more than embarrassing and false news," Trump explained on his Twitter account @realdonaldtrump, March 18, 2020.

Trump's neglect of COVID-19 has come under fire from many parties. In fact, from his own ranks. Trump is actually considered to be a danger to many lives. Many Americans have followed in Trump's footsteps and underestimated the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump just thought the wind was bad for him. However, disaster arises. He and his wife, who in fact often think the virus from Wuhan is harmless, actually contracting COVID-19. The information was shared by Trump himself via a Twitter account that stated that he and Melania were positive for COVID-19 on October 2, 2020.

Tonight, Melania and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will start the quarantine and recovery process soon. We will get through this together! Trump explained.