In Berlin, Sri Mulyani Voices Real Steps For Indonesia In Energy Transition

JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani was recorded to be present at the Berlin Global Dialogue 2023 event this week.

This agenda is said to discuss the challenges of attracting the participation of the private sector in realizing the energy transition.

"Indonesia is a very ambitious country regarding climate action and we are always trying to make concrete actions, such as the launch of the first carbon exchange in Indonesia by the President of Indonesia two days ago," he said as reported by the official website on Friday, September 29.

The Minister of Finance explained that currently Indonesia has also launched the Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM) Country Platform as an instrument that will accommodate all stakeholders.

The state treasurer said some of them were for multilateral bank development, public sector, private sector, and also philanthropy, to design the right energy transition for Indonesia, including in terms of policies in order to facilitate the involvement of the private sector.

"Indonesia is making various concrete efforts to realize an energy transition that may not be perfect, but at least we continue to try, and can learn from what we have done," he said.

The event was also attended by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel Founder and Managing Partner Bertelsmann Asia Investments (BAI), Marijule Long President of International for Bank of America, Bernie Mensah, CEO of RWE, Markus Krebber, and MD and CEO of the Mahindra Group, Anish Shah.