Reveals Case Of Death Of Child Pamen TNI AU, Police Use Scientific Crime Investigation

The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) is investigating the case of an Indonesian Air Force Intermediate Officer (Pamen) using the scientific crime investigation method.

This method is implemented so that the case is clearly revealed.

"(Regarding the roblox account) We are still investigating everything, because this must be revealed scientifically crime investigation, it cannot be done under assumption or suspicion," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Leo Simarmata to reporters, Thursday, September 28.

Later, the results of scientific crime investigation theory will be combined with an investigation conducted by the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim so that they find a common thread in the case.

"We will finalize the results of our investigation, the findings of the facts of evidence in the field with information from experts from Puslabfor so that there is no conflict in sync," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Forensic Team of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital found one of the deepest sharp weapons stab wounds measuring 6.5 centimeters with a diameter of 2 to 3 centimeters from the body of the victim CH (16) son of the Indonesian Air Force Intermediate Officer (Pamen).

The deepest stab wound was the cause of the victim's severe bleeding.

"If you look at the organs, they are pale, so the cause of death is very likely due to stab wounds. Because there is a collection of blood in the stomach. Because if you get a stab wound, there is a process of death," said Head of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Brigadier General Hariyanto, Thursday, September 28.

Hariyanto explained that the victim of CH before he died there were jelaga (fine and soft charcoal grains) on the victim's body.

"Before he died there were still jelaga (on the CH body). The results of the concavity examination contained a jelaga. This means that when the fire was still alive, the victim was still alive. Because smoke was still inhaled," he said.