Case Of Alleged Fraud Of Rp22 Billion That Had Manggarak Rises To Investigation

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has upgraded the status of the alleged fraud case worth Rp22 billion to the investigation stage. The handling of this case had stalled for quite a long time.

"The investigation has been investigated," said Panit V Sub-Directorate of Renakta Direskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Iptu Widodo quoted Tuesday, September 26.

A number of witnesses have also been examined in the investigation of the case. However, it was not detailed about the number.

So far, it has only been conveyed that the investigative team has examined the reporting witness on August 28, 2023. So, investigators will explore the guidance and other instructions until they finally examine the reported person, who in this case has the initials LHT.

"The reporter has been investigated. The evidence is currently being investigated for further examination of the reported party," said Widodo.

Separately, Effendy Foekri's attorney as the reporter, Odie Hudiyanto, said that his party appreciated the performance of the police who made this fraud case run again according to the soup.

This case had stalled until finally the Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya took attention in June 2023.

"Pak Effendy Foekri welcomes and appreciates the professional work of investigators who have raised the status of cases that have been running for 19 months to the investigation stage," said Odie.

In addition, Odie expressed his client's hope that investigators would immediately determine the suspect in this case. This is because Effendy Foekri as the reporter has been fighting for justice for 12 years.

"Therefore, we ask the investigators of the Renakta Polda Metro Jaya to immediately determine the suspect in this case so that Effendy Foekri as a victim gets legal certainty. LHT always dodges and does not have good faith to return Effendy's money," said Odie.

This case began when the LHT reportedly borrowed some money from Effendy Foekri for the construction of a hotel in 2011. However, the money has not been returned.

Effendy made a report at Polda Metro Jaya. The report is registered with number P/B/733/II/2022/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA.