This Is The Preparation Of The OJK Boss Ahead Of The Launch Of The Carbon Exchange Next Week
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) will officially launch the Carbon Exchange on September 26, 2023.
This was stated by the Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar, Monday, September 18.
"The plan is that the launch of the Carbon Exchange, which will be trading for the first time, will be carried out on September 26, so next week," he said.
Meanwhile, the Carbon Exchange is a system that regulates Carbon Trading or the ownership record of the Carbon Unit.
Mahendra explained, before the launch was carried out, currently all relevant ranks were preparing to increase capacity to understand the carbon trading ecosystem which tends to be new in Indonesia. This was done for the smooth launch of the Carbon Exchange on September 26.
"That is a plan in this next week, but in parallel we must continue to improve ourselves in understanding, knowledge, capacity to really understand how to form the ecosystem earlier (carbon currency)," said Mahendra.
At the launch later, all processes that support the success of carbon trading through the Carbon Exchange from upstream, activity preparation, carbon unit preparation, all forms of registration, verification, certification, to how the success of carbon trading will depend on the ecosystem being carried out.
"And the results can be re-invested in efforts to maintain environmental sustainability and in the context of reducing our carbon emissions starting. That is a plan next week," he said.
As a form of preparation for welcoming the Carbon Exchange, a national seminar related to carbon trading has been held in Surabaya, Balikpapan, Makassar, Medan and Jambi.
Jambi became the last province of the seminar, as well as received praise from the OJK for being one of the provincial sources that has the potential to reduce carbon emissions.
The purpose of holding the seminar was to increase capability, deepen the understanding of policy makers and stakeholders (stakeholders) towards carbon trading regulations and mechanisms.
"Therefore, one of the follow-up to the program we carried out in this seminar is to increase our capacity together, because I do not consider that one party knows better than the other. For Indonesia, this (Carbon Tour) is the beginning of a big step, meaning we are both learning," Mahendra explained.
Previously, the OJK had issued a Circular Letter of the Financial Services Authority Number 12/SEOJK.04/2023 concerning Procedures for the Implementation of Carbon Trading through the Carbon Exchange (SEOJK 12/2023) as a technical regulation of the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) Number 14 of 2023.
The hope is that through the Carbon Exchange, Indonesia will be able to take a bigger role in efforts to control the impact of climate change globally.
Director of Development of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Jeffrey Hendrik has also submitted an application to the OJK so that the IDX can be designated as the organizer of the carbon exchange.
"For that, we can convey that the IDX has submitted an application as a carbon exchange organizer in accordance with the provisions in SEOJK 12/2023," said Jeffrey in Jakarta, last Friday (8/9/2023).