The RDP Of The Director General Of Natural Resources And Housing Of The Ministry Of PUPR With Commission V Of The DPR RI Had Stopped, Why?

JAKARTA - Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the Director General of Housing and Director General of Water Resources of the Ministry of PUPR together with Commission V of the DPR RI suddenly stopped for 10-15 minutes.

Based on VOI's monitoring on the DPR RI's YouTube channel, the meeting had to be stopped due to an interruption from Robert Rouw who is the Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Nasdem Faction.

Robert said, based on a working meeting (Raker) some time ago, it was concluded that the Ministry of PUPR asked for input and proposals from Commission V of the DPR RI to carry out future tasks.

However, Robert said, the proposal from Commission V of the DPR RI regarding the addition of the construction of non-compliance community self-help houses.

"According to our commitment, the conclusion of the last meeting with the minister (PUPR) that paying attention to proposals and input from Commission V and the most important thing is that the labor-intensive program must return," said Robert at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, on Thursday, September 7.

"I see that housing materials for non-governmental assistance from 45 thousand people only increased by 10 thousand to 55 thousand, meaning this is not in accordance with our agreement. So, in my opinion, we better suspension (the meeting)," he added.

According to Robert, the RDP will be useless if there is no agreement to achieve the things that have been previously agreed upon.

"We ask for the re-coordination of this commitment to the minister, otherwise we refuse because that is the agreement stated at the conclusion of our meeting yesterday, return it to a minimum of 2023," said Robert.

He considered that the community needed self-help assistance in this house. Thus, there needs to be the same target as in 2023.

"I ask this so that we give the minister (PUPR) the opportunity to answer first. The Director General strongly apologizes, I ask for this we are pending first, give the opportunity," he said.

However, when it was monitored again on the DPR RI YouTube, the meeting had resumed.

Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus said that the Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto had communicated with the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono and the answers regarding the problems of non-governmental organizations would be answered by the Minister of PUPR.

"There has been direct communication with the minister, later the minister will convey adjustments for (people's self-help houses) at least the same as last year. In fact, the minister had conveyed it to us earlier, he said we would try to reach the rest of the tender at the PUPR Ministry," said Lasarus.

"So, we welcome the Director General of housing to continue his presentation," he concluded.