ASEAN Now Has A Center For Cross-Border Smoke Coordination And Control

JAKARTA - The ASEAN Summit (KTT) which took place in Jakarta, inaugurated the ASEAN Regional Level Cross-Smap Pollution Control Coordination Center (ACC THPC) service.

Indonesian Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar conveyed that the formation of the service was based on the agreement of the 18th ASEAN Agreement for Transboundary Haze Pollution (COP-AAATHP) Convention of Parties (COP) session in Vientien, Laos, on August 23, 2023.

"The success of ASEAN countries in establishing the ACC THPC is the first step towards developing a more innovative early warning system, mobilizing effective resources in the region, as well as more coordinated efforts between ASEAN member countries," he said in a statement reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 5.

The establishment of the ACC THPC is a monumental and historic milestone for ASEAN. This can happen because of the support of ASEAN Member State Heads and ASEAN Secretary Generals.

The THPC ACC institution will be chaired by a director executive with the help of three fields under him, namely the Monitoring and Assessment Division, the Technical Cooperation Division, and the Knowledge Management Division.

The ACC THPC office has been designated at the Manggala Wanabakti building, Ministry of Environment and Forestry Complex, 4th Floor Block 2, Central Jakarta. The office is currently still in the process of being prepared.

Following up with the formation of the THPC ACC, a Host Agreement must be formed immediately with the role of each ASEAN Country in carrying out the ACC THPC activities.

Minister Siti said the Indonesian government continues to improve efforts to control forest and land fires by conducting new paradigms from 2016 to 2023.

The new paradigm is to prioritize prevention efforts that have been carried out since the determination of policies, planning, budgeting, improving prevention and efforts technology in the field with the involvement of all stakeholders.

Forest and land fires occur on various continents, Asian is no exception. In ASEAN countries in particular, almost every year there are forest and land fires that cause a decline in natural resources.

"Therefore, efforts to prevent and control cross-border smoke from each ASEAN country must continue to be improved," said Siti.

He hopes that the establishment of the ACC THPC can be a first step in developing a more innovative early warning system and mobilizing effective resources in the ASEAN region as well as efforts to improve coordination between ASEAN state members.

The establishment of the ACC THPC can also further support the implementation of the AATHP in full and effective manner. Through the existence of the ACCTHPC, the ASEAN Member States (AMS) can increase efforts to prevent, mitigate, and monitor cross-border smog with the aim of being able to meet the interests of the ASEAN community and achieve the ASEAN freehaze by 2030.

"Thank you to all ASEAN Heads of State who have supported Indonesia to host the cross-border smoke control coordination center," said Minister Siti.