PBNU Affirms Sanctions For Management To Use NU For Practical Politics

Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Yahya Cholil Staquf emphasized that his party would impose sanctions on administrators who use NU institutions for practical political interests.

"If there is an NU management, then use the NU institution for practical political activities, we will immediately reprimand him," said Yahya after meeting the President at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 4.

If the reprimand is not heeded, said Yahya, there will be other sanctions procedures.

"There is a procedure, we will remind you later. If it is repeated, the second warning. If it is repeated again, it can be dismissed. There is already a mechanism. Once warned, it is usually based," he explained.

Yahya revealed that some time ago there were several administrators at the district level who were reprimanded for holding a presidential candidate declaration at the NU Office.

"This is not allowed. We are reprimanded. For example, he personally went here and there, that's his personal right," said Yahya.

If there are presidential candidates who are not NU administrators, but on behalf of NU, Yahya said that his party could only provide clarification.

"If there is a presidential candidate on behalf of NU, but not an NU administrator, yes, we can also say it's not true. However, we can't give any sanctions if it's not the management," he explained.