Chairman Of The Political Party Supporting Ganjar Holds A Meeting At The PDIP Headquarters This Afternoon, What To Discuss?

JAKARTA - The general chairmen of the political parties supporting the future presidential candidate (readpres), Ganjar Pranowo will hold a meeting at the PDIP, Menteng DPP Office, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 4, this afternoon. The meeting was called to discuss Ganjar's winning strategy in the 2024 presidential election. This was revealed by the Chairman of the DPP PPP Achmad Baidowi or Awiek, when confirmed Monday, September 4. He said the four coalition political parties that will be present at the meeting this afternoon were PDIP, PPP, Hanura Party, and Perindo Party. "The plan is a meeting between political party heads. The agenda is the determination of Ganjar's victory. This further concrete the winning steps of Ganjar Pranowo," said Awiek. In addition, Awiek, the meeting will also discuss the dynamics of national politics. Including, PKB steps in coalition with the NasDem Party and PKS. As well as declaring the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) pair.

"And discussing the current political situation," he added. Regarding the vice presidential candidate accompanying Ganjar, Awiek assessed that this must also be mentioned in the meeting. However, according to him, only discussing the criteria, not making decisions regarding names. "The name is political, it is impossible not to be mentioned in the meeting," he concluded.