IDR 1.4 Billion Tax Arrears In Sukoharjo Confiscated

SOLO - The Tax Office has again confiscated taxpayer assets in the Solo Raya area, precisely in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, because it is in arrears to Rp1.4 billion.

KPP State Tax Confiscation Officer Pratama Sukoharjo Anang Setiyono said the confiscation of CV STA taxpayer assets in the form of a Mitsubishi Xpander car was carried out at his place of business located in Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo.

"The confiscation was carried out because the taxpayer had a tax arrears of Rp. 1.4 billion and did not pay off the tax arrears until the maturity that had been given," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.

Previously, active collection of taxpayers had been carried out in the form of notification of warning letters and forced letters.

He said the confiscated assets were collateral for the payment of the taxpayer's debt. Furthermore, if the taxpayer does not immediately pay off his tax debt, sales of the confiscated goods will be carried out.

He hopes that the confiscation can provide a deterrent effect on tax arrears and raise awareness for taxpayers to comply with their tax rights and obligations.

Meanwhile, even though the confiscation has been carried out, he said, the taxpayer can still save his assets if he pays off all existing tax arrears.

"Taxpayers show their good faith by pledging to pay off all tax debts before the sale of confiscated goods is carried out," he said.

Previously, the Tax Service Office (KPP) Pratama Karanganyar also confiscated taxpayer assets (WP) because the person concerned did not make payments to tax arrears amounting to Rp1.8 billion.