Killswitch Engage Tour Bus Hit a Deer: All Members Survived, Driver Suffers Torn Ligaments

JAKARTA - A Killswitch Engage tour bus was involved in a collision with a deer while on tour in Sweden this week.

As vocalist Jesse Leach said in a statement, Killswitch Engage was driving to the In Flames Dalhalla Brinner festival in the city of Rättvik when the accident occurred.

"You never know what's going to happen tomorrow, don't take it for granted," Leach said on Instagram alongside the accompanying video.

“This is the scene from which I woke up yesterday morning around 6 a.m. Thankfully no one was seriously injured. Our driver Tom has torn a ligament and is definitely shaken but he is fine."

"Unfortunately, the majestic Moose (*ELK correction) who collided with our bus did not survive. I don't take fear with me when I travel because it does me no good."

“But seeing this really scared me, not for my safety but the thought of losing someone I love (or someone who was badly hurt).”

“It washed me away when we left on a passenger bus. I felt the tears fall down my face thinking about 'what could have happened.' I think of all the bands who have had to deal with loss or injury in an accident like this."

"I think of my friends here who did this and the hard-working crew who are here far from family and loved ones. Sleeping in a vehicle on the world's highways."

Check out Leach's full statement and accompanying video in the upload below.