Knocking Gas! Line-up JogjaROCKarta Festival 2023 Won't Make Spectators Leyeh-Leyeh

JAKARTA - After waiting long enough, finally the JogjaROCKkarta Festival officially announced the presence of two metal giants from remote lands: Sepultura from Brazil and Overkill from the United States. These two bands will become leaders of the JogjaROCKarta Festival which will be held at the Kridosono Stadium on September 30.

Imagine, the ground shook and the ancient class of rockheads and metalheads from all over Indonesia broke the air of the Kridosono Stadium when Sepultura played Refuse/Resist.

As far as the eyes can see, a sea of black T-shirts fills the moisturizer. Tired of not yet running away, the legs immediately jumped when Overkill beat you through Mean, Green, Killing Machine. The wide smile was chaotic, and the civil horn went all night long.

Previously, the Jogja ROKarta Festival through their Instagram account announced Slank feats of Bongky and Pay, BIP, and Tribute to Rotor as a list of performers. Tribute to Rotor personnel consist of Sofyan Hadi (Death Vomit), Arif Wahyu (Tumengung), Ari Kristiono (Detritipor), and Husen (Warhammer).

Then there will be Iron Voltage, Bandung sub-districters who are waving the thrash metal crossover banner. The band with Yowdi (guitar), Edy (vocals), Reyga (guitar), Eka (bass), and Garry (drums) have played thick music with the influence of old chord thrash metal, polling sounds and noise from Metallica and Exodus, with the Pantera-style riff-riff gyrove, to Entombed shock.

Unlike the previous editions which lasted for two days, this year the Jogja ROCKarta Festival will be present for one day.

This means that all the excitement, excitement, and noise in the style of the Jogja ROKarta Festival will be compressed toakil and mangkus, so that all the spectators do not have time to lie and take a breath. Gas stuck!

Make sure you buy a Jogja ROKarta Festival ticket through Bakoelkarcis. Currently, Early Bird and Presale 1 tickets have been sold out, while Presale 2 is running low. Regular ticket sales for IDR 750 thousand will be released in early September.