Challenged By BEM UI Campaign On Campus, Anies: When Will It Be?

JAKARTA - Anies Bawedan's presidential candidate who was promoted by the Coalition for Change for Unity (KKP) stated that he was ready to accept the challenge from the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI). Anies is challenged for a campaign on the UI campus.

The debate was challenged after the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision regarding the allowed place for the 2024 election campaign.

"How come?" Anies said on his Twitter account, @aniesbaswedan, Monday, August 21.

The Constitutional Court's decision allows campaign election participants in government facilities and education but is prohibited from places of worship, which are stipulated in the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 15 of 2023 concerning Election Campaigns.

The decision is a lawsuit against Law Number 7 of 2017 which was granted by the Constitutional Court on August 15, 2023.

BEM UI then responded to the Constitutional Court's decision by challenging the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan from KPP, Ganjar Pranowo, who was supported by PDIP (PDIP) and PPP, as well as Prabowo Subianto who was promoted by the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KIR) campaign on the UI campus.

"If you really have the guts, BEM UI invites all presidential candidates/presidential candidates to attend UI because we are ready to skin everything in your minds," said BEM UI Chair Melki Sedek Huang in a written statement, Monday, August 21.

BEM UI views that the younger generation is tired of seeing many campaigns with minimal substance and lip service alone, including identity and image games. According to them, the capability and competence of prospective state leaders is not a matter of fanfare on the campaign stage.

"We need a leader who is smart and in favor of the people," said Melki.