Flying To Maluku, Deputy Minister Of Finance Suahasil Reminds His Staff To Maintain Integrity
JAKARTA Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara in a series of working visits to Maluku Province was present and gave directions at the Wamenkeu Menyapa event which was held in the Ambon State Finance Building Hall (GKN). On this occasion, the Deputy Minister of Finance emphasized the importance of improving services to the public and maintaining public trust.
"We at the Ministry of Finance are in a process that wants to continue to create a better and better Ministry of Finance. In the future, we will all carry out a set of frames from new arrangements so that the Ministry of Finance can serve better the entire community and stakeholders," he said in a written statement, Friday, August 18.
The Deputy Minister of Finance also reminded a number of improvements in the services of the Ministry of Finance's offices that must be maintained. Services at offices that are specifically directly related to the community and direct stakeholders such as the Tax Service Office (KPP), the Customs Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC), the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN), and the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL).
"Congratulations to all of you in the Ambon area and its surroundings. Convey greetings from all leaders of the Ministry of Finance, daro Mrs. Minister of all of us from Jakarta for all friends at the ends of the Ministry of Finance's work. We continue to serve better while maintaining the integrity of the Ministry of Finance," he said.
Citing the 2023 State Budget report, as of July 2023, the total tax revenue was recorded at Rp1,109.1 billion. Then for customs and excise revenues of Rp149.8 trillion and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) is Rp355.5 trillion. In total, state revenues up to last month were Rp1,614.8 trillion.
Meanwhile, state expenditures were realized IDR 1,461.2 trillion. This incision makes the APBN in a surplus position of IDR 153.5 trillion or equivalent to 0.72 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).