Exclusive, General (Ret) Andika Perkasa Openly Reveals the Reasons for Choosing Politics
Many alternative careers can be chosen after retirement from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). General (Ret) Andika Perkasa chose politics as a second career. He has strong reasons why he chose politics, not business or other pursuits. He spoke candidly to VOI why he chose politics. He also talked about himself being mentioned as a vice presidential candidate who would accompany the PDI Perjuangan presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo.
Among the many choices, Andika Perkasa is determined to choose the political sphere as his next field of service after four decades of serving as a member of the TNI. "Because of my experience there. I have been a bureaucrat in the TNI for 40 years. My educational background is also in the field of government, public policy, and public administration, particularly in the field of national security. I think it will be more suitable if I work in a field that I have been engaged in and have experience and knowledge so far," he explained.
Andika Perkasa resonates as one of the candidates who will accompany the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo, which was previously declared by the Chairperson of PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri. As previously reported by media, there are names that have been on the radar of the PDIP, namely Sandiaga Uno (Menparekraf), Muhaimin Iskandar (Deputy Chairperson of the DPR and Chairman of PKB). Apart from that, there are also names that Puan Maharani has approached to be targeted as a white-haired male companion who still has the status of governor of Central Java, namely Mahfud MD (Minister of Politics, Law and Security), Erick Thohir (Minister of State-Owned Enterprise), Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java), and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (Chairman of Demokrat Party).
Until now Megawati Soekarnoputri and also Puan Maharani have not announced who will accompany Ganjar Pranowo. Because of that, when asked about this, Andika did not want to speculate. He seems to understand very well the tradition at the party bearing the bull's head in the circle. The final decider is the Chairperson. "Hehehe, that's not me who answers," he said with a characteristic laugh.
Andika Perkasa admitted that he had no ambitions when he started his second career in politics. Now he has made his choice, choosing PDIP as a vehicle to take part in the political arena. Placed in any position he is ready to carry out the duties assigned to him. He also talked about national politics, global geopolitics, how to build relations with America, China and other countries, about Indonesia's economic potential, and Indonesia's opportunities to align itself with other nations. To Iqbal Irsyad, Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos, and Irfan Medianto, Andika Perkasa who was accompanied by Hetty Andika Perkasa, expressed his idea during a visit to the VOI office in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, last August 1. Here is the excerpt.
General (Ret) Andika Perkasa admitted that he was more suitable or had chemistry with Ganjar Pranowo than the other presidential candidates. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)
What difference do you feel after you retire from the TNI?
There are many differences, especially about the load. While still on duty, we are faced with targets and problems that must be responded to immediately. Now all that is gone. The difference is visible on the face.
When you were present at the PDIP event, did you ever think that you would be the Leader of the Ganjar Pranowo Success Team? Is there a plan about winning?
I'm just starting. I really want to enter the national political stage. That there are people who can enter the executive branch without going through a political party. I went through the national political system. The executive is chosen based on the results of the election, he has a role to keep in touch with representatives of political parties in the DPR as supervisors. In 2024 I am very excited because it is the first time I will be giving my voice after 59 years of age.
Why choose PDIP? Not PKPI where your mother-in-law and sister-in-law were the General Chairmen?
That's compatible, all political parties have the same legal basis, so their goals are relatively the same. But indeed there are things that are day-to-day in their implementation that suit me better.
As a former Commander of the TNI, you are very qualified, and many political parties are looking at you. You have been mentioned as the vice presidential candidate to accompany Ganjar Pranowo, what's your comment?
It hasn't been (announced) officially, I'm very aware that getting into politics is not the target to get a certain position. From the beginning I wanted to give my voice and wanted to be part of the national political system. Regardless of what role I will get, there is no burden at all.
There are many choices after retirement, why not go into business but into politics?
Because of my experience there. I have been a bureaucrat in the TNI for 40 years. My educational background is also in the field of government, Public Policy, and Public Administration, particularly in the field of national security. I think it would be more suitable if I work in a field that I have been engaged in and have experience and knowledge so far. In business actually can too. Like now I work as a commissioner for a private company.
Is there a specific target for this political field?
There is absolutely no target, this is my second career after having been in the military for 40 years. In this second career I see it also in the long term. This is the start of my second career journey.
What is your view on our current political world?
I have never experienced the dynamics of the world of politics. But what I've been working on are national issues. That's what I did while serving in the TNI, we have to follow the same problems, we respond to developments.
What in your assessment is the most crucial?
The most crucial thing is how we maintain it, because there are many players, both politicians and non-political, on our political stage. That is what we have to face together so that we don't have to reset the goals and objectives and how to achieve them. That's what I think is risky and expensive.
In 2019, the polarization in society ahead of the election was very visible, how do you see it now?
So far I haven't looked in that direction. Because the political elite is taking care of it, this must be done continuously. Because once there is polarization there will be conflicts below which will disrupt this government. I don't think it's a matter of who rules, this government will not run without the support of the people. It is very hard for the government to face internal and external pressures, but we must maintain the conduciveness of the investment climate.
Meanwhile, the existence of social media today actually magnifies polarization. There are far more active social media users than in 2019. Now there are more millennials and generation Z. When using social media, people are fighting for attention. This is what I call the polarization potential getting bigger, because some are already mature and some are not. Sometimes when communicating on social media just like that.
External factors as we know there are two big poles at the moment, America and its allies, and China. How do you see this condition?
We cannot avoid this, now there are two super power countries. Regarding Ukraine and Russia, we are feeling the impact, even though geographically we are far from the two countries. Directly our trade with the two countries is not too big. Because the world is already connected, we can't possibly stand alone. Even America with the largest economy in the world and China with the second largest economy cannot stand alone.
The war between Russia and Ukraine disrupted Europe's supply of gas from Russia. Ukraine is a large agricultural producer. So that supply from these two countries is hampered. Demand from all over the world is constant, while supply is lacking, causing inflation to occur. That's what makes energy prices increase 3 times, while non-energy prices increase 1.5 times. We don't know when the war will end, what is happening now is getting worse.
China and America are very important to our economy, 28 percent of our exports go to China, second to America (9.7 percent). If China and America in conflict, they will spend funds to support the conflict earlier, the demand for goods from Indonesia will decrease, so we have problems. Foreign investment is also from China (second largest).
With the complexity of the problem, what kind of Indonesian leader will be able to overcome all of this in the future?
Our leaders must understand geopolitics, moreover the potential for tension in the South China Sea between America and China could be ignited. President Jokowi has taken an approach by increasing exports and forming a regional economic partnership. So when a conflict occurs in one area, we still have another gap. So we don't depend on just one country. That is what happened to Germany, which was safely shaken by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
China and America each seek to exert influence in Indonesia, how do you behave between these two powers?
Once again, no single country in this world can be independent, all are connected and interdependent on one another. We must establish relations with all countries, including these two countries, China and America, we definitely need it. So we don't have to choose, but we have to know where our portions are.
Now that there are 3 declared presidential candidates, why are there more inclined towards Ganjar Pranowo?
It's a matter of just clicking with the heart, where there is chemistry. But I can work with anyone. The presidential election is only an event to choose a president, after being elected it does not rule out the possibility that they (presidential and vice presidential candidates) will work together again. I have met and collaborated with Mr. Anies Baswedan in dealing with COVID-19. With Mr. Prabowo Subianto, I have always been in the same corps. I have had a good relationship with Mr. Ganjar, especially since I have been to Central Java a lot. So there is something that can't be explained in words about the click with Mr. Ganjar Pranowo.
What are your views on the three presidential candidates?
They all have achievements, because they are all in the government, so it's easier to see. The achievements achieved by President Jokowi were also contributed by Ganjar Pranowo who led for two terms in Central Java. Likewise with Mr. Anies Baswedan, the first term was Minister of Education, then Governor of DKI Jakarta. The achievements he achieved also support the achievements of President Jokowi. And Mr. Prabowo has also been a minister in President Jokowi's cabinet for the past 4 years. His success also contributed to the achievements of President Jokowi. They are all experienced and reputable. Whoever will be elected later will definitely bring Indonesia to be better.
So this will end as the Succession Team (Timses) or Vice President?
Hehehe, that's not me who answers.
If given the opportunity to lead Indonesia, how would you view Indonesia going forward?
Indonesia has a lot of potential, in terms of population, we are the fourth largest in the world. Public spending is quite significant for the economy, it can be 54 percent more. Regarding investment, every president who leads always tries to increase the amount of incoming investment. We have to envy Singapore which is the fourth largest investment destination in the world. First America, second China, and third Hong Kong. We are in the same area as Singapore, if they can do it, we should be able to too.
Why Singapore can, while we can't?
There really needs to be a lot of fixing. Singapore's global competitive index is number two in the world, America's number one. There are 12 indicators assessed, including institutions, macroeconomic stability, adequacy of infrastructure, quality of human resources (education), public health, labor market, efficiency of the workforce, efficiency of the good market. I think this has been done by leaders in Indonesia so far.
Are you optimistic Indonesia can?
Of course we can, I'm sure we can. We have to pursue all the sectors that I described earlier. For example, in the field of education, the average education in Indonesia is only 8.6 years, less than 9 years. We have to add to this by adding teachers, schools, and so on. In the current era, the existence of schools does not have to be in physical form, with the development of AI (artificial intelligence) technology, we are greatly helped. So there is no need to face to face in class. The important thing is the internet network and internet quota must be available. Our chance to catch up is great. That's in the education sector, in the health sector there is already telemedicine.
When you became the Commander of the TNI, there were several policies that were considered controversial, one of which was that you allowed PKI descendants to register to become members of the TNI, how do you explain this to the public?
Actually, this has been regulated by law, there is nothing that prohibits descendants of the PKI from becoming members of the TNI or civil servants. I didn't create a new policy. I'm just enforcing (the rules) only. That it wasn't done before was not my fault. I want to return what is the right of the Indonesian people to be given. If someone has a criminal record, then they are not allowed to become a candidate for joining the TNI. If their grandfathers had been involved in the PKI, we cannot judge their grandsons.
When making the decision to allow PKI descendants to join the TNI, did you think that this would be politicized, especially ahead of the elections?
I just stick to the rules, MPRS Decree No. 25 of 1966 prohibits 1. The PKI is a banned organization. 2. Prohibit the spread of Marxism and Leninism. Until now, we still have diplomatic relations with countries that make this ideology their state ideology, such as China, Russia, Ukraine. So if someone raises the issue again, what is the context? China is now very capitalist.
The government admits that there have been serious human rights violations in 12 cases, including the events of 1965-1966. What is your view on this matter?
That is a human rights violation declared by Komnas HAM. It is part of Indonesian history. We'll just wait for the solution.
During your time as TNI Commander, you rarely carried a stick of command, can you tell me why that is?
Actually there is no rule that you must always carry a baton, except during ceremonies. My opinion is just flexible, if needed bring it, if not, you don't have to either.
You are also one of those who pay very close attention to soldier housing. The design looks luxurious. Can you tell me why that is?
The matter of luxury is talking about the design, the material doesn't have to be luxurious. For example, for the facade, I use temple stone and palimanan stone, it's not something that's expensive. The finishing is also not glossy. So there is creativity, with ordinary materials it can be beautiful.
Not only housing, but also uniforms you noticed?
Yes, that's how it should be. I am a detail person, shoes and uniforms have to be the best. Shoes, for example, pay attention to the soles, the material to make it waterproof, the straps, etc. All I take from the technology that is already on the market. If people can do it why can't we do it.
You also pay attention to social media, after retirement it is still being maintained, what message do you want to convey to the public?
My task is to build a good image for the TNI, therefore what is being done must be disseminated to the public. Apart from that, my wife, Hetty, also accompanied me. Until now, how come it is still being maintained because I still have activities. There's nothing wrong with the public knowing. The goal is not to show off, we just want to share.
Andika Perkasa and Hetty, Who's the More Romantic One?
Generals (Ret) Andika Perkasa and Hetty Andika Perkasa made many people jealous with their romance when appearing at various events. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)
If there is a pair of public officials who are so brave to show affection on various occasions, General (Ret) Muhammad Andika Perkasa and Diah Erwiany Trisnamurti Hendrati Hendropriyono who is usually called Hetty is one of them. The most iconic gesture of the two is holding hands when attending almost every official or informal event, and after retirement too. Do you know which of these two people is the most romantic? Since when have they been affectionate and romantic?
The attitude they showed without them realizing it got the attention of many people, not only TNI soldiers but also people outside the TNI who had witnessed the moment they held hands which was immortalized in the form of photos and video recordings. "We feel normal, just like when I first met Mr. Andika, until now it's the same," said Hetty who took the initiative to answer questions. "Has something changed about me?" said Hetty while glancing intimately at her beloved husband.
Andika's memories floated after the two of them got married in 1992. "From the start I was already intimate. But I could be wrong, of course. After three years of marriage, our best friend sent me a photo, that we were holding hands too. So it's been a long time since we were married" he said.
Andika and Hetty unanimously answered when asked for the inspiration for this intimate behavior, it turns out that it came from each of them. "Nothing inspires us, this is an expression of my affection for Mr. Andika. And vice versa," said Hetty.
One of the reasons Andika is being intimate with his wife, he admits, is gratitude to the Almighty for the gifts he has given. "I've told many stories that I experienced childhood trauma. That's what helped me not to be ungrateful for what I've received. The problem is if children aren't grateful, the victims can be children," said Andika and Hetty, who have been blessed with three children; Alexander Wiratama Perkasa, Angela Nurrina Perkasa, and Andrew Malik Perkasa.
There was also Angela's friend who happened to be playing at the house, and witnessed Andika and Hetty's intimacy. "Angela's friend asked if what she saw was what we did everyday. Angela said so. It's just what her mom and daddy do," said Andika.
Although in the view of many people, Andika and Hetty are a romantic couple. It turned out that for Hetty her husband was not a romantic man. How come? "People see that we often hold hands. In my opinion, Mr. Andika is not the type of person who is romantic, he is normal. He never gives flowers and never invites to have a romantic dinner at special moments," said Hetty.
They no longer need to celebrate special moments such as birthdays or wedding anniversaries with a candlelight dinner, because the two lovebirds eat together almost every day when Andika is not working out of town. "For dinner we are always together," continued Hetty.
In fact, said Andika, at the start of their marriage he was often angry with Hetty. What caused the anger? "When she was a teenager she often hang out, after she got married her habit has not changed. When I came home from work, why didn't she come home? Once, twice it happened. The third time I reprimanded her. I want you to be home when I come home," said Andika.
"Since then I have changed. If Mr. Andika wants to go, I will accompany him, and when he comes home I have to pick him up at the door. Whatever my activities outside the house must be finished when Mr. Andika wants to go home. The problem is I have to open the door for him. This habit continues to this day," said Hetty. "It means I'm a romantic, hehehe," she continued, laughing.
According to Andika, after retiring, he also did what Hetty had done so far when he was leaving her when he was on duty. "In the past, Hetty was the one who always took me to work or assignments, now I do the same thing to the children. I say bye to them, take them to the front door. When the children come home, I make it a habit to greet them. In the past, when I still on duty, I can't do the task," he admitted.
First Sight
Although according to other people General (Ret) Andika Perkasa and Hetty Andika Perkasa are romantic, according to his wife, her husband is not the type of romantic man. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)
Can you believe it or not, it turns out that Andika Perkasa has fallen in love the first time he saw Hetty. And conversely Hetty too. But to say the feelings of the heart do not have the courage.
"We didn't have an approach or date. We dated after we were officially married," said Hetty. The two of them were betrothed by her father, AM Hendropriyono. The matchmaking was smooth because from the start, without realizing it, each of them was attracted at first sight.
"My interest in Hetty has been there since the first time we met. I saw that there was something special about the woman I saw. To be honest, I was interested, but I didn't dare to express my interest," admits Andika. "I also had a crush when I first met Mr. Andika, but I don't want to say that I like him," said Hetty, who is now 31 years of marriage.
So the feeling of click or chemistry arises, according to Andika, it doesn't have to be preceded by introductions or courtship in the context of his relationship with Hetty. He reflected that his relationship with Hetty, in the beginning, was more or less the same as what happened to Ganjar Pranowo. Even though we don't know each other very well, we can already click or there is chemistry.
There is a unique moment experienced by his first child Alex. "He knew his daddy only from a photo. When he was going to pick him up at Halim, he already knew his daddy's uniform and red beret. It turned out that everyone who came down was wearing a red beret, one who came down was not, until they were all the same. When his daddy hugged him, he was the one who was embarrassed. He was scared and confused by the people who hugged him. It was a very touching moment," said Hetty.
Lifestyle and Raising Kids
Andika Perkasa and Hetty are two very different personalities. Andika is very disciplined and Hetty is the other way around. Until finally Hetty suffered from Hepatitis C in 2012 and a year later there were symptoms of a stroke. "Since then I have been in control, stop everything. I can't go out at all. Going out makes my eating and resting pattern irregular. I control eating, it has to be healthy," said Andika.
Apart from managing her diet, Hetty also balances it with body combat, Muaythai, and dancing. "If Mr. Andika goes to the gym, I don't join that," said Hetty, who likes to buy clothes with superhero pictures for her husband.
Regarding the gym and building muscles, Andika admits that this was done after he practiced martial arts. "Self-defense is more about movement training. To strengthen muscles, you still have to practice at the gym or do cardio," said Andika, who applied exercise discipline to Alex and Andrew, while Angela still couldn't be disciplined.
Regarding children, said Andika, he basically helps his children narrow down their choice of goals, but after being directed they still have their own choices and they are not forced. "Since junior high school, we have helped them narrow down their choice of future profession. At dinner we share. From there, we discuss with the children. Do you want to do business or what do you want to do? I also tell a lot about the TNI. And we never forbid children from entering," said Andika, emphasizing that children must be responsible for their choices.
Andika did not force his will at all. "During the process, they were sure of their choice. We support that choice," said Andika. The first and second child chose to become a doctor.
Hetty too. "I really wanted a child to become a soldier. Alex and Angela didn't. My hopes were for Andrew. But apparently, he didn't either. In the end, I gave in," admitted Hetty.
For Andika, any profession he takes can be a bridge to success. As was he. "Before, I had no plans to join the TNI, I wanted an architect. But in the middle of the road, I changed direction because of circumstances. And finally, I entered the TNI, and my career was able to reach the top as well as in the TNI," said Andika.
Andika Perkasa has a message for young people. "Nowadays, children are flooded with social media and information. This condition makes it difficult to focus. My advice is to stay focused even when accompanied by sophisticated technology. And you must socialize directly with at least your parents and siblings. You have to be honest with your family. "This can balance relationships with friends on social media," said Andika. "From me, today's young people must continue to work with heart. But you have to be careful," said Hetty.
"No single country in this world can be independent, all are connected and interdependent with each other. We must establish relations with all countries, including these two countries, China and America, we definitely need it. So we don't have to choose, but we have to know where our portion is