Semarang Sub-district Head Removed After Content Of Rice Goreng, Walkot Ita Disseminates Philosophy Of The Fried Rice Competition
SEMARANG - Mayor of Semarang, Central Java, Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu explained the philosophy of the fried rice competition held by the Semarang City Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team (PKK) which recently went viral on social media.
The fried rice competition which was held to welcome the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence began with a tiered selection, starting at the neighborhood level (RT) and winning from 177 developed urban villages.
"I will convey the philosophy of why the PKK team held a fried rice competition," said Ita, Hevearita's nickname, while attending a cooking rice competition in Srondol Wetan, Banyumanik District, Semarang, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 4.
First, he said, fried rice is a very universal menu and is widely known to the public. In fact, fried rice has also been famous abroad as a typical dish of the archipelago.
Second, Ita wants to mobilize women to return to cooking in the kitchen, because now many are starting to forget the importance of cooking, especially by easily ordering through the "online" application.
"Third, this fried rice is a provision of 'My plate contents' (food guidelines from the Ministry of Health). That all the nutritional composition of fried rice has been fulfilled," he said.
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The Mayor of Semarang gave an example of the carbohydrate content obtained through rice which actually doesn't have to use white rice, but can also be replaced with red rice, porang rice, and others.
"Proteins (animals) can be made from fish, eggs, chicken meat, beef. Then, vegetable protein from the oil. Vitamins are made from vegetables, right there are tomatoes, chilies, plus fruits," he said.
This means that in one plate, fried rice actually already has many health benefits for the community.
"(The fourth), using urban farming which has been moved in Semarang City. Mothers at home have celery plants, lettuce, leeks, tomatoes, and chilies, they can be used," he said.
Walkot Semarang appreciates the women who have been so enthusiastic and excited in participating in the cooking competition for fried rice, because the role of mothers is very large by cooking.
"Maturnurun ibu-bua semua semangat mem cookingnya, semangat bagaimana menjadi ibu yang diperlukan. Untuk apa? Mengendalikan inflasi, menjaga ketahanan pangan, mencegah stunting, dan menurunkan angka kemiskinan," kata Ita.