6 People Died, Jokowi Asks For Extreme Drought Handling In Central Papua To Be Overcome As Soon As Possible

President Joko Widodo ordered the relevant ministries and institutions as well as local governments in Papua to deal with the impact of extreme weather in Central Papua as quickly as possible.

This was conveyed by Jokowi in response to journalists' questions regarding efforts to deal with drought due to extreme weather, which caused crop failure and hunger in Puncak Regency, Central Papua.

"I have ordered the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, the Minister of Social Affairs, BNPB and also in the regions, in Papua to immediately handle it as quickly as possible," said the President after inaugurating the Ciliwung drain in Jakarta, Monday, July 31.

The President emphasized that the problem is that there are specific areas in Central Papua that in the snow season cause plants to not grow.

"The problem is, to know, yes, there is a specific area where in the snow there are no plants growing, at very high altitudes, the district," explained the President. Another problem is the security-related constraint in distributing aid to the community there. According to the President, the relief aircraft did not dare to go down, over security factors.

"That's why I asked the TNI to help guard it. There is always a problem like that, the terrain is very difficult, the plane that wants to get off the pilot doesn't dare, so that's the problem," he said.

To note, extreme weather in Central Papua has occurred since June 2023. Currently, at least six people have died due to extreme weather which resulted in crop failure and hunger in a number of districts, Puncak Regency, Central Papua.