Brigadier General Endar Returns To KPK, Acting Deputy For Enforcement And Execution Believes OTT Will Be Boosted

Acting Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK Asep Guntur believes that the return of Brigadier General Endar Priantoro as Director of Investigation can strengthen efforts to eradicate corruption. The operation to arrest (OTT) is not impossible to immediately carry out.

"We are waiting after Mr. Endar comes in, of course there will be more (cases handled, ed). Including later on, OTT will be investigated," Asep told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, July 6.

"So with the return of Mr. Endar, the director of the investigation (so, red) is definitive. Yesterday it was Plt (implementing the task)," he continued.

In the future, Endar is expected to immediately take care of cases that are still at the investigation level. One of them is the alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E in DKI Jakarta.

However, Asep ensured that this case was not the only one that was accelerated. "All priority," said Asep.

"It's just why there are old and fast ones depending on the adequacy of the evidence. If we find the evidence quickly, we will solve it faster. So there is no, 'oh, this is a priority'. No," he continued.

Previously, Endar was dismissed as Director of Investigation and returned to the Bhayangkara Corps. He then fought back by reporting Firli Bahuri, Secretary General of the KPK Cahya H. Harefa, and the KPK HR Bureau to the Supervisory Board.

Not only that, Endar also reported a number of allegations to the KPK Council regarding Firli's alleged ethical violation. One of them is related to the leaking of investigation documents at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources which Firli later decided not to be guilty.

Furthermore, Endar also reported the alleged maladministration of his dismissal to the Indonesian Ombudsman. Then, he reported Firli to the Polda Metro Jaya for allegedly leaking documents.

Later, Endar returned to the KPK on Wednesday, July 5. The KPK calls this effort a form of synergy with the Police in eradicating corruption.