34 Million Indonesian Passport Data Allegedly Leaked, Kominfo Gercep Conducts Investigation
JAKARTA - On Wednesday, July 5 yesterday, 34,900,857 Indonesian citizen passport data (WNI) were allegedly leaked and traded for 10,000 US dollars (Rp150 million) on dark websites.
The alleged leak was first discovered by cybersecurity observations of Teguh Aprianto on Twitter. He said hackers leaked some information such as passport numbers, validity date of passport, full name, date of birth, gender and others.
Responding to the issue, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology admitted that it had investigated the alleged leak of personal data on the same day.
Until last night at 20.00 WIB, Director General of Informatics Application Semuel A. Pangerapan stated that the team was still working and the bell could conclude that there had been a massive amount of personal data leak as alleged.
He also admitted that investigations and investigations will continue to be carried out in depth and the progress of the results of the investigation will be conveyed later.
In addition, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is also coordinating with related parties including the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), as well as the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
"The Ministry of Communication and Informatics will continue to search and will release the findings after obtaining more detailed information," Kominfo wrote on its official website.
While waiting for the results of the investigation, Kominfo requested that all providers of digital platforms and personal data managers further improve the security of users' personal data in accordance with applicable personal data protection provisions and ensure the security of the electronic system operated.