Minister Of Agriculture Yasin Limpo Calls The Emergence Of African Babi Flu A Reasonable Thing Because Of The Virus In The World
JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo said that various viruses and bacteria that have long been buried are currently rising again so it is natural that there are pigs from Pulau Bulan, Batam, Riau Islands, who are infected with African Swine Fever (ASF) or African swine flu.
"In the world, the virus rotates, bacteria are working so that (student) diseases that were buried 20-30 years ago (reappeared). It seems that the virus has risen again," said the Minister of Agriculture, quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 14.
In order to prevent the spread of African swine flu, the Minister of Agriculture said that he had instructed for total regional isolation while vaccinating other animals who had not been infected.
"It (the pig) hasn't been infected much, it's only in the first stage. It's just that it really affects exports because our pigs are mostly for export and that (african pig flu) only exists in one. For other areas, God willing, hopefully it's safe," he said.
Previously, the Agricultural Quarantine Agency (Barantan) of the Ministry of Agriculture stated that pigs from Pulau Bulan, Batam, which are usually exported to Singapore, were positive for African swine flu.
"The results of further testing by both the BUSKP Laboratory and BVet Bukittinggi are positive ASF and negative Classical Swine Fever (CSF), so it is necessary to carry out sequencing to determine the genome of the virus related to the similarity of the origin of the virus," said Head of the Animal and Animal Life Quarantine Center, Barantan, Wasisa Putra's Wisnu in Jakarta, Saturday, May 6.
Wisnu said the Barantan and the Directorate of Animal Health at the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health had actively coordinated with Singapore, namely the Singapore Food Agency and NS Park. The results of the joint investigation between Indonesia and Singapore concluded that the pig death was quite large on the island of the Moon, but with clinical symptoms it led to the Classical Swine Fever (CSF)/Hog Cholera.
Furthermore, the Tanjung Pinang Agricultural Quarantine took anticipatory steps in the form of ASF testing of pigs to be trafficked and tightening animal quarantine measures.
"In addition, monitoring of the importation of feed and feed materials that enter the Moon Island is a precautionary measure for the possible entry of ASF on this island," said Wisnu.