Sukhoi Su-35 Fighter Jets Intercept US Strategic Bombers in the Baltic Sea, Russia: Prevent Border Violations

JAKARTA - The Russian Ministry of Defense said a Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jet shot into the Baltic Sea on Monday, after two United States strategic bombers flew towards the Russian border, to intercept before returning to base.

This event follows the downing of a US drone on March 14 in the Black Sea after being intercepted by Russian jets, which was the first direct military 'clash' between Russia and the United States since Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year.

"On March 20, the radar facility of the air defense forces of the Western military district, which was on duty over the Baltic Sea, detected two air targets flying towards the state border of the Russian Federation," the ministry said on the Telegram messaging app.

It said the targets were United States Air Force B-52H strategic bombers.

The Ministry of Defense said the Su-35 fighter jets were in the air to prevent border violations, adding, "after the foreign military aircraft moved away from the state border of the Russian Federation, the Russian warplanes returned to their air bases."

"After the foreign military aircraft moved away from the state borders of the Russian Federation, the Russian aircraft returned to their bases," the ministry said, citing TASS.

The Russian Ministry of Defense underlined that the foreign military aircraft did not violate the borders of the Russian state.

"The intercept of the Russian fighter jets was carried out in compliance with international air laws. Violations of the borders of the Russian state are not allowed," the ministry stressed.