Police Transfer The Land Mafia Case Files To Central Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office

PALANGKA RAYA - The Central Kalimantan Regional Police handed over the files and the suspect Madi G Sius in the land mafia case to the Central Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office.

Central Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office Head Pathor Rahman said the local prosecutor's office had received the delegation of one suspect in connection with the land mafia case with suspect Madi G Sius.

"We really appreciate the performance of Central Kalimantan Police investigators and hope that this case from the delegation to trial can go well," he said as reported by ANTARA, Monday, March 20.

Assistant for General Crimes (Aspidum) at the Central Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office Riki Septa Tarigan said, according to the Notice of Commencement of Investigation (SPDP) sent from the Polda to the Central Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office and the process of examining the case file until it was declared complete.

"We are submitting the complete P21 file or notification that the results of the investigation are formally and materially complete, so today we are conducting phase II to the Central Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office," he said.

Previously, the Central Kalimantan Regional Police arrested a suspected land mafia suspect, Madi G Sius, who had been carrying out his actions in several areas of Palangka Raya City.

Even the modus operandi carried out by the suspect was by falsifying land certificates Verklaring Number 23 of 1960.

Then, the suspect also claimed a land area of ​​810 hectares, of which 230 hectares belonged to the community which had pocketed certificates of ownership (SHM).

From the proceeds from the sale of the land he claimed, the suspect allegedly managed to reap a personal profit of more than IDR 2 billion.

For his actions, the suspect Madi G Sius was charged with Article 263 Paragraph (1) or Article 263 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of 6 years.