"Trauma Healing" for Bogor Landslide Victims, Policewomen Invite Children to Sing and Play

BOGOR - Bogor City Police Women Police visited the landslide evacuation post at SMP Negeri 9 School Bogor City, Thursday, March 16. His arrival was to provide trauma-healing assistance to children who were victims of the landslide disaster.

As is known, the landslide disaster that occurred in Sirnasari Village RT07 RW04, Empang Village, South Bogor District, on March 14 2023, claimed many victims.

Bogor City Police Chief Commissioner Bismo Teguh Prakoso said, before the trauma healing activity, the Bogor City Police Dokkes conducted health checks on victims in evacuation.

At the Sirnasari Village landslide evacuation post, it was recorded that there were 19 heads of families with 81 souls consisting of adults, children to toddlers.

To provide trauma healing assistance to children who were victims of landslides, said Commissioner Bismo, various activities were held by members of the Bogor City Police.

"Members entertained the children who were victims of the disaster by playing and singing with the children who were victims of the landslide disaster", he explained.

Apart from providing trauma-healing assistance, the policewomen also provided consolation gifts to the children.

He added that with this activity it was hoped that the children would be entertained and get rid of the trauma of the landslide disaster that befell their homes.

"This activity is also to ease the burden on disaster victims in evacuation sites", added the Commissioner.