Mario Dandy Satrio Case: People With ADHD Syndrome Should Not Be Provoked

JAKARTA – Tend to have difficulty concentrating and get bored easily, and tend to easily commit actions that harm themselves or others. A person with these characteristics is likely to experience Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as allegedly suffered by Mario Dandy Satrio, the perpetrator of the serious abuse of David Ozora Latumahina.

ADHD is a disorder in the development of an increased motor activity that occurs from infancy and lasts into adulthood. This disorder, said a psychologist from the University of Indonesia, Dr. Rose Mini Agoes Salim has been seen since the child was a toddler.

Typically, the characteristics of children with ADHD are sensitivity to sound, often crying, screaming, difficulty consuming breast milk, difficulty sleeping, and are not happy when carried.

“When they are older, children are always active. Feeling bored somewhere. Looks awkward when with other people around him. Often experience falls or bumps, noisier than other children in general," said Rose to VOI on March 8, 2023.

Of course, to ascertain whether or not a child has ADHD, a gradual examination is still needed. It is not certain that children who are always active have ADHD.

Illustration - Teenagers and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tend to be unable to control their emotions, become angry easily, and don't hesitate to hurt themselves. (Pixabay)

“The signs are visible from infancy, but are usually more visible when they are over 3 years old. Parents can better see whether children can brake their emotions, can focus on something or not, and so on. Still need an intensive examination from a child psychologist," Rose continued.

The same goes for when you are a teenager and an adult. Characteristics that look almost the same, tend to be difficult to focus on various things. So that many teenagers with ADHD are unable to complete their tasks until they are finished. Whether because of boredom, do not understand, or quickly forget.

To a certain degree, said Rose, adolescents and adults with ADHD also tend to be unable to control their emotions. Being irritable, decreased appetite, experiencing sleep disturbances, even to the point of hurting yourself.

So it is reasonable that children with ADHD have the possibility of criminal behavior in the future. It is possible that teenagers who are criminals today are people with ADHD. This is because they tend to be impulsive, doing things only out of instinct without a clear mind. Moreover, if they experience social disintegration and lack of parental supervision.

Monitor The Growth

That is why, according to child and adolescent psychologist Novita Tandry, parents must continue to monitor the child's growth and development process. The sooner it is detected, the more effective the treatment will be.

“This disorder will carry over into adulthood. If you don't get treatment from an early age, you are worried that the impact could be more disturbing, both for yourself and others," said Novita to VOI on March 8, 2023.

Understanding the stages of child development is very important as part of parenting. Child development does not only include physical changes that occur from infancy to adolescence, but also changes in emotions, personality, behavior, thinking, and speech. Parents need to ensure that children grow and develop optimally.

“Indeed, children have stages of growth and development which we call normality. This is what becomes our guide to be able to see the development of the stages of child growth and development in general or there are differences," she said.

Some characteristics of people with ADHD syndrome that need to be known. (Verywell/Michela Buttignol)

For example, children aged 2-3 years. Physical development usually children learn to jump, run, throw and kick a ball, and try to do their own activities, such as brushing their own teeth and wearing their own clothes.

For cognitive and language development, children at that age are full of imagination, like to imagine thinking of dolls as friends, for example, enjoy listening to fairy tales, recognize words and names of objects, start to enjoy asking questions, and enjoy repeating words heard.

Meanwhile, social and emotional development, as reported by the official website of Primaya Hospital, children aged 2-3 years usually like to imitate what other people around them are doing. They begin to realize that they can do things without the help of others, begin to disobey in certain ways, break rules out of curiosity about what will happen, and throw tantrums when angry or frustrated.

When different, consult further. Novita also argues, "To determine a child has ADHD, it needs a gradual examination, it can take weeks to find out the child's habit pattern, not because of the diagnosis itself."

Handling Through Behavior Therapy

Until now, according to Novita, the cause of ADHD is not known with certainty. A number of experts are studying the possible causes of this disorder, both genetically, brain function and structure, as well as things that happen during the pregnancy process.

Thus, the approach that is usually used to treat children with ADHD is behavior therapy. Such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

The goal of CBT therapy, as reported by Halodoc, is to train thinking skills and behavior patterns. The hope is that children can have a different perspective on every problem they experience. It also teaches how to react to all problems and find solutions independently.

In certain stages, treatment can also be done with drugs to calm down and reduce impulsive behavior.

Based on data from the National Statistics Center (BPSN), the prevalence of children with ADHD in 2007 reached 8.3 million children. In the Jakarta area, the Child Independence Center Foundation in 2018 reported that 26.2 percent of children aged 6-13 years had ADHD.

The majority occurs in men because they show more challenging and aggressive behavior than women.

"In fact, ADHD cannot be cured, treatment is only to minimize bad actions by optimizing the strengths that exist in children. For some people, children with ADHD seem excessive. So, it really needs special treatment by parents together with a pediatrician or child psychologist," added Novita.