Interpreting Chinese New Year Moments As An Implementation Of Diversity Values

JAKARTA – Chinese New Year, according to Ester Indahyani Jusuf, is never separated from the heroic story of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). Even though his reign lasted only a short time, Gus Dur was able to do many extraordinary things for the nation and state.

Since Gus Dur revoked Presidential Instruction No. 14 of 1967 and then issued Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2000, the Chinese community in Indonesia was able to obtain freedom to adhere to their religion, beliefs, and customs.

Gus Dur, said Esther, had shown how he was able to apply the values ​​of diversity in Pancasila. Making Chinese New Year a national holiday so that Chinese people can be more solemn in carrying out their customs with their families and communities.

The community, especially Chinese children, can get to know their culture better by witnessing the lion dance performances which they could only see in movies before. That is why, said Esther, the Chinese New Year must be interpreted as a moment of diversity.

The people of Singkawang, West Kalimantan participated in the Cap Go Meh celebration a few years ago. Traditions and cultures blend together to become a symbol of ethnic diversity. (Antara/David/aww)

"Even though the figure of Gus Dur is no longer there, the spirit of diversity and the values ​​that were instilled must still exist and be maintained in all of us," said the woman who is known as a Human Rights (HAM) Activist to VOI, Monday (23/1 ).

Especially at this time, the condition when identity politics still seems to haunt us. Esther said, “We certainly don't want the past tragic human rights violations to happen again. Let's be critical, increase literacy, fight against all forms of discrimination against all differences."

Because, the foundation of Indonesia is diversity, mutual respect between people, and mutual cooperation. If you want Indonesia to become a great nation, these values ​​must be instilled, not only for the Chinese community, but also for all Indonesian people who consist of various ethnicities and religions.

"Not individualistic and not acting only for personal or group interests. All must mingle with each other. In diversity, all must support each other, and work together," he said.

Not Just a Slogan

Likewise, the government must continue to campaign for these values ​​through structural policies, so that the message of diversity can be embedded in society and not just a slogan.

Small examples related to homogeneous schools, and special schools for certain ethnicities and religions. Parents do have the human right to send their children anywhere. However, this choice of grouping without opening up to others is also very dangerous. Contrary to the value of diversity.

“In this context, the government must take a role. It can be through a special forum for meetings between students from these homogeneous schools or other ways. Thus, efforts to realize the value of diversity are not limited to expectations. If there is no structural or cultural movement to make changes here, it will stay the same forever,” Ester explained.

President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) issued Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2000, so that the Chinese community in Indonesia could have freedom to adhere to their religion, beliefs and customs. (Twitter)

Because, in the current era of social media, instilling social diseases such as feudalism and racism tends to be very easy to do, especially in the midst of a society that lacks literacy. According to Esther, “If this is ignored by the government, accepted by society, and continues to become a habit. The impact will be very bad for Indonesia in the future.”

Yonky Karman, a social observer, and teacher at the Jakarta Theological College, admits that people are free to move around wearing 'mass' clothes to express aspirations, express dissatisfaction, and intimidate other parties. After that, people feel free to destroy, plunder, and even take the lives of others. The sovereignty of the people has shifted to become the sovereignty of the masses.

“Mass entities are of course different from folk entities. The masses are social entities that do not always refer to conscience. Easily piggybacked by primordial motives and opportunists. It is different from the conscience of the people with their objective sense of justice, their aspirations must be fought for," Yonky wrote in the book "Merayakan Hidup Dalam Keberagaman: Bagaimana Bersikap di Tengah Masyarakat Majemuk".

Pancasila values

That is why, according to Father Antonius Benny Susetyo, Pancasila must be a value and source of ethics in the life of the nation and state. As a basis for acting, reasoning, and thinking. Until finally reflected in action.

"Values ​​of God, humanity, unity, democracy and justice. Humans who believe in God Almighty, then he does not want to lie, deceive, oppress people. He will have a sense of humanity, thus maintaining unity. Populist values ​​are also upheld with fairness materialized in the end," he told VOI, Monday (23/1).

Father Antonius Benny Susetyo hopes that the momentum of the Chinese New Year will make all Indonesian citizens better understand the meaning of diversity. (VOI/Ramadan Flowers)

Through this Chinese New Year moment, Benny also hopes that all Indonesian citizens can better understand the meaning of diversity. In fact, Chinese New Year is also the actualization of Pancasila values.

"It is a celebration of togetherness, brotherhood of all the nation's children. Traditions and culture blend so that there is no longer any distance and they become part of Indonesianness," added Romo Benny, Special Staff to the Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP).