Central Java Police Chief Checks the Location of the 48th Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Congress which Jokowi attended in Solo

SOLO - Ahead of the 48th Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Congress, Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi checked the completeness of personnel and facilities at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Detachment C Pioneers, Manahan Village, Banjasari District, Solo City, Friday afternoon, November 18.

The two-star general said that his party will deploy 2,000 personnel to secure the event which will be attended by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"There are 2,000 joint personnel deployed", explained Luthfi in a written statement, Friday afternoon, November 18.

Apart from personnel from the Solo Police, said Luthfi, personnel from the former Surakarta Karisidenan were also strengthened. In addition, the strengthening of each Polsek at the location of the activity was also strengthened.

"We're BKO, right, from the area of ​​the former Surakarta Karisidenan. Not just from the Polresta", said the former Solo Police Chief.

It guarantees that the 48th Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Congress activities will take place safely and comfortably.

"What is more anticipated is securing vehicles in and out of the Solo City route. We guarantee that the implementation of this activity is comfortable and safe", said Luthfi.

Meanwhile, the Solo Police Chief, Commissioner Iwan Saktiadi said security would be strengthened by the Kokam (Muhammadiyah Youth Preparedness Command). A total of 1,300 Kokam members have been alerted and held a standby rally at the Manahan Stadium last week.

"Kokam members are also ready. Last week, it was also held at the Manahan Stadium in Solo. I directly led the alert", said Iwan.

It is hoped that the activities which will be attended by approximately 1 million Muktamirin will take place safely and comfortably.


Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi conducts final checks ahead of the 48th Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah congress at Mako Brimob Detachment C Pioneers, Banjarsari District, Solo City, Friday, November 18.