Involved in 2015 Bengkulu Selatan Regency Welfare Fund Corruption, 2 Former Sub-Division Heads Named as Suspects

BENGKULU - The South Bengkulu District Prosecutor's Office has named two suspects in the 2015 South Bengkulu Regency Government's alleged corruption case of welfare funds (Kesra).

The two suspects are ES, who is a former Head of the Sub-Division of Community Social Welfare as well as PPTK activities, and S, a former Head of the Sub-Division of Social Welfare, South Bengkulu Regional Secretariat.

"Investigators from the South Bengkulu District Prosecutor's Office have officially named two suspects in the case of alleged corruption in the 2015 South Bengkulu District Government Welfare funds", said the Head of the South Bengkulu District Attorney's Office, Hendri Hanafi, when confirmed, Antara, Friday, November 18.

There are three suspects in the development of the corruption and welfare case, but one other suspect, the former Head of the Sub-Division of Religious and Spiritual Education of the South Bengkulu People's Welfare Section, KJ, has died.

Meanwhile, the other two suspects, S and ES, have retired after both applied for early retirement.

Therefore, to prevent the suspect from escaping, eliminating evidence, and repeating his actions, the investigators detained the two of them at the Manna Detention Center for the next twenty days.

In the case of corruption in the budget management of the Welfare Section of the South Bengkulu Regency Regional Secretariat for the 2015 Fiscal Year, the Bengkulu Corruption Court has sentenced the former Head of the Welfare Division of the South Bengkulu Regency Government H and the NY Expenditure Treasurer.

In this case, the state suffered a loss of IDR 319 million from the ceiling of the Budget Implementation Document (DPA) of IDR 2.2 billion.

The resulting state losses stemmed from several fictitious activities and price mark-ups and the role of the three Heads of Subdivisions was to carry out several fictitious activities using fictitious accountability, purchase price mark-ups, and engineering SPPD for Official Travel.

"Such as the purchase price of the Koran which is marked up, then the SPPD process for official trips, for example, the Ramadhan safari team in several places which is searched for 10 sub-districts, but what is actually paid and received by the person concerned is only two locations. The rest is used by certain parties", said Henry.