Extreme Weather Potential, Cilacap BPBD Asked UPT To Monitor Large Trees

JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cilacap Regency, Central Java, has asked all BPBD technical implementation units (UPT) to improve coordination with all components in their respective regions in order to anticipate the possibility of hydrometeorological disasters.

Head of BPBD Cilacap Regency Wijonardi said the coordination is needed to be carried out because based on the BMKG forecast, extreme weather could potentially occur until October 18, 2022.

"Today (October 16), the weather is quite sunny. I ask all BPBD UPTs to be able to carry out monitoring of large protective trees that have the potential to collapse because they have porous and the leaves are too heavy," said Wijonardi, as reported by Antara, Sunday, October 16.

If there are protective trees that have the potential to collapse, he said, immediately submit a request to stakeholders in their respective regions for pruning.

According to him, this needs to be done to avoid disasters caused by strong winds which can potentially cause casualties.

"Regarding the protection trees that are usually close to the PLN electricity network, please from PLN to monitor electricity cables that are in contact with protective trees," he said.

He said that currently there are concerns from residents in several areas, especially Kroya Subdistrict for PLN cables that touch trees.

Therefore, he said, the heads of UPT BPBD were requested to immediately coordinate with all components of stakeholders in their respective regions including PLN.

"Thus, efforts to reduce disaster risk (PRB) can be carried out as early as possible," said Wijonardi.

BMKG Meteorological Station Ahmad Yani Semarang on Sunday (16/10) released the prospect of extreme weather that could potentially occur in a number of areas of Central Java in the period 16-18 October 2022.

The prospects or potential for extreme weather are known based on the results of the analysis of atmospheric dynamics including the wind bend pattern around Central Java and the positive sea surface temperature anomaly in the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean south of Java triggered an increase in the potential growth of rain clouds in several areas.

In addition, relatively high humidity in the air and strong local lability contributed to the formation of rain clouds in parts of Indonesia, especially Central Java.

In this regard, BMKG urges the public to remain alert to potential extreme weather in the next three days which has the potential to cause hydrometeorological disasters in the form of floods, flash floods, hail, landslides, strong winds, and tornadoes, especially for people who are located and live in areas prone to hydrometeorological disasters.