Signal Stops SMS Support on Android, Here's Why!

JAKARTA - For years, the Signal app on Android has supported sending and receiving plaintext SMS and MMS messages in addition to Signal messages. But now that ability can no longer be used by users.

"In order to enable a more efficient Signal experience, we are starting to discontinue SMS support from the Android app," Signal said in its official blog post, quoted Friday, October 14.

Users who are currently using Signal as their default SMS app will receive a warning advising them to switch to something else.

They can export SMS messages and import them into other apps, as long as the app supports that option. Signal says users still have a few months to make the switch.

"You'll have a few months to go from texting on Signal, to exporting your SMS messages to other apps," explains Signal.

"Exporting your SMS messages is optional, but you can save your SMS message history in a new place on your phone. Your Signal messages will remain safe, protected and unaltered," he addded.

While this decision may be uncomfortable for those who have relied on Signal for most of their messaging, the company explains a few reasons.

One thing to be aware of, SMS messages do not have end-to-end encryption. Also, given the shifting prices of data and text plans over the years, it might actually cost more to send SMS messages than Signal these days.

Furthermore, Signal also reasoned to avoid people getting confused between SMS and Signal messages in the app. That being said, making this distinction has serious design and UX implications. Discontinuing SMS support will allow companies to work on projects and other features.