Losing the Auction for 2.1 GHz Frequency from Telkomsel, XL Axiata Has to Let It Go!

JAKARTA - The telecommunication operator XL Axiata has accepted the defeat of the 2.1 GHz frequency auction against Telkomsel.
"We did not succeed in winning the 2.1 GHz frequency auction on this occasion. This will certainly be our evaluation for the next auction opportunity," said XL Axiata's Group Head of Corporate Communication, Retno Wulan to VOI, Thursday, October 6.
Even so, Wulan stated that he would continue to strive to be able to get additional spectrum at the next auction opportunity, in order to support the implementation of 5G in the country.
"In the future we will continue to strive to be able to get additional frequency spectrum to be able to support the implementation of 5G and digitalization in Indonesia," said Wulan.
Previously, the results of the auction were announced directly by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) by stating that Telkomsel had succeeded in obtaining the 2.1 GHz frequency.
Telkomsel itself shifts the position of XL Axiata in the price offer which will be held from 03 to 05 October 2022.
Quoting the official statement from the Ministry of Communication and Information, Telkomsel annexed the 2.1 GHz frequency band, with an offer price of IDR 605.056.000.000, while XL Axiata proposed IDR 540.000.000.000.
"According to the provisions in the selection document, the Object of Selection is for Users of the 2.1 GHz Radio Frequency Band for the Purpose of the Implementation of Cellular Mobile Networks in 2022," said the Ministry of Communication and Information.
"(It) consists of 1 (one) block of 5 MHz FDD radio frequency band (2 x 5 MHz) in the 1975-1980 MHz range in pairs with 2165-2170 MHz with national service area coverage," he continued.