All Parties Must Be Grown Up To Face Kanjuruhan Tragedy, Don't Let It Be Repeated

JAKARTA - Certainly no one wants the Kanjuruhan Tragedy to repeat itself. So a thorough evaluation is needed in accordance with President Jokowi's directives.

As explained at the outset, everything is standard in organizing matches and there must also be good planning. Prioritize prevention not action.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to educate all parties involved, including supporters and security forces.

From the start, the committee must have asked for permission to hold the match. In the licensing process, there must be a grace period leading up to the D day of the match.

The security intelligence, in this case the police, can make plans in accordance with FIFA rules.

The police certainly have very complete procedures. It's just a matter of how to equate their perceptions between the needs of the committee, the needs of the situation, and the need to maintain security.

Equalization of perception can be done with coordination. You can print out a stadium layout map and study together to anticipate unwanted events.

Also before the game, like getting on a plane or watching a movie, supporters who come to the stadium are also given a safety briefing. This is done so that supporters know where to go when something unexpected happens.

Once again, everything is complete and detailed in the FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations, including discussing stadium eligibility and others.

Indeed, these ideal methods require efforts, socialization, and most importantly, the need for a common perception of all parties from the implementing committee and the public security.

There needs to be a common perception of all parties from the implementing committee and the public security.

All parties must be mature in responding to this tragedy. Let's get it right.