Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Calls Mahsa Amini's Death A Tragic Incident, But Chaos Is Unacceptable

JAKARTA - Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the death of a young woman in custody saddened everyone in the country but warned that chaos was unacceptable amid widespread violent protests over the death of the woman named Mahsa Amini.

Amini's death two weeks ago has sparked anti-government protests across Iran, with protesters frequently calling for an end to more than four decades of Islamic cleric rule.

"We are all saddened by this tragic incident, (But) Chaos is unacceptable," Raisi said in an interview with state TV.

"The government's red line is the security of our people. One cannot allow people to disturb the peace of society through riots," he stressed.

Despite the rising death toll and a crackdown by security forces using tear gas, batons and in some cases live ammunition, social media videos show Iranians holding on to the protests, chanting "Death to the dictator".

However, the country's collapse seems far away in the near future, as its leaders are determined not to show the kind of weakness they believe sealed the fate of the US-backed Shah in 1979, a senior Iranian official told Reuters.

Protests over Mahsa Amini's death in Iran. (Wikimedia Commons/Darafsh)

Angry demonstrations have spread to more than 80 cities across the country since the death of 22-year-old Amini on September 13, after she was arrested for "inappropriate dress" by the moral police who enforce the country's strict dress code.

Amini, who was from the northwestern Kurdish city of Saqez, died in hospital after a coma, sparking the first major protests on Iranian streets since authorities crushed protests against gasoline price hikes in 2019.

President Raisi, who has ordered an investigation into Amini's death, said "forensics will provide a report on his death in the coming days".

Although Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has not commented on the protests, a hardline watchdog called on the court "to deal decisively with the main perpetrators and those responsible for killing and injuring innocent people and security forces."

Khamenei appointed six senior clerics from the 12-member body, known as the Guardian Council.

State media said 41 people, including members of the police and pro-government militia, were killed during the protests. Meanwhile, Iranian human rights groups have reported a higher toll.

President Raisi backed Iran's security forces, saying "they sacrificed their lives to secure the country".

Meanwhile, dozens of Iranian celebrities, football players and artists, at home and abroad, have supported the demonstration. Iran's hardline court has said it will file charges against them, according to state media.

"Anyone who participates and incites chaos and unrest will be held accountable," Raisi warned, adding, "no one is afraid to express their views".