Don't Panic, Here Are Easy Tips To Overcome Hair Loss Problems

JAKARTA - Hair loss is a problem that often arises and is difficult to overcome. This problem is often a problem that is most often experienced by women and men. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to baldness on the scalp. Here are some tips for dealing with hair loss that you can try easily.

Take good care of your scalp

Avoid harsh hair treatments such as heaters, hair dyes, and bleaches. Hairstyles such as ponytails or braids that are too tight can also affect the condition of your hair. Keep your scalp healthy by washing your hair and scalp regularly. Any inflammation of the scalp will affect the hair growth cycle.

Follow the Mediterranean diet

Eating fruits, vegetables, and protein, which are the main ingredients of the Mediterranean diet, can help overcome your hair loss problem. When you go on this diet, not only weight loss but also your hair loss can be overcome. In addition to physical health, hair health can also be obtained.

Use the right hair comb

Maybe you think combing hair is a trivial thing that is often done. However, it turns out that if you use the wrong comb, it can cause hair to fall out. Therefore, use a comb with loose teeth, especially if you have long hair. Also, avoid combing your hair when it's still wet. It's best to comb your hair when it's dry and use a wide-toothed comb.

Avoid chemical products

Using too many chemicals in hair care products can damage hair quickly. One of them is like hair dye or hair bleaching. Try using natural-based hair care products like jojoba oil or almond oil. Because this essential oil can be useful to stimulate hair growth, to increase its strength.

Take vitamins

Your doctor can perform various tests to see if your hair loss condition is affected by a vitamin deficiency in the body. Certain vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, zinc and iron can affect the growth of your hair. You can take biotin forte with zinc, a supplement that helps maintain healthy hair, skin and muscle tissue.