Academics Say Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 10 of 2022 Is An Effort To Stabilize Prices And Distribution Of Subsidized Fertilizers

SEMARANG - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) issued the Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022 regarding the Procedure for Determining the Highest Allocation and Retail of Subsidized Fertilizers in the Agricultural Sector.

Through the Ministry of Agriculture, it is hoped that the management of subsidized fertilizers can be better and can anticipate the global food crisis that occurs.

Agribusiness Lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University, Siwi Gayatri assessed that the Ministry of Agriculture aims to stabilize prices and distribution of subsidized fertilizers so that there is no fraud.

"Through Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture 10/2022, it is hoped that the management of subsidized fertilizers can be better, as well as to stabilize prices and better distribution of subsidized fertilizers so that fraud does not occur," said Siwi as quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 22.

In addition, said Siwi, the mechanism for proposing the allocation of subsidized fertilizers is carried out using spatial data and land area data in a digital and technology-based management information system that is considered good enough to be more targeted.

"I see it's okay, because we also can't be separated from digitization, so even with data like that it is also more accurate," he said.

However, Siwi highlighted the problems in the field related to extension workers who are burdened with administration so they don't focus on transferring knowledge to farmers because data changes are always needed every time to continue sending the latest data.

Moreover, he continued, the digital information system must be more precise regarding the area of land for farmers to determine the allocation of subsidized fertilizers.

"This is considered important and must be appropriate so that farmers' fertilizer needs can be fulfilled and there is no misuse. That is needed, especially with the allocation of fertilizers based on land area so that everything can be fulfilled, farmers who are entitled to it can also get it," said Siwi.

Siwi also does not deny that there are still weaknesses in the system in the field due to the lack of ideal human resources.

"Yes, in fact, because of the lack of resources in the field in updating data, because who updates the data, the extension worker, on the other hand, the extension worker also has a special task, their main task is then added with other tasks, not including administration, so yes sometimes they enter the data correctly, it's just because of a lack of resources so that sometimes it's wrong too," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo explained that the reason for the issuance of Minister of Agriculture Number 10 of 2022 was to maintain the availability, affordability of fertilizers, and optimize the distribution of subsidized fertilizers, especially for farmers.

"The government's task to maintain food security can only be done if it gets the trust and support from the community. The government will continue to take various steps so that our production, productivity, and agricultural performance can increase," said the Minister of Agriculture.