165 New Omicron Variant COVID-19 Cases Detected In East Java

SURABAYA - The East Java COVID-19 Task Force noted that there were 165 sample cases of the new Omicron variant entering East Java. Hundreds of samples were known to have Omicron B.A5, B.A4, and B.A2 subvariants.

"This is known based on the results of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) this July. The samples were taken from COVID-19 patients", said the judge speaking for the East Java COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Makhyan Jibril, confirmed, Wednesday, July 20.

Of the 165 samples, Jibril said that there were 114 positive samples of COVID-19, the Omicron BA.5 subvariant. Then 37 positive samples for COVID-19 subvariant Omicron BA.2.

"Then 14 samples from the BA.4 subvariance were also found", he said.

However, Jibril said there were still samples of patients infected with COVID-19 Omicron B.1.1.529 and B.1.1. However, he did not specify the number of patients exposed to this variant. What is clear is that the East Java COVID-19 Task Force data showed a spike in cases on Tuesday, July 19.

This is evidenced by the addition of 334 new cases per day, bringing the number of active cases in East Java to 564 cases. Where the most active cases are in the city of Surabaya as many as 183 cases, 73 cases in the city of Malang, and 64 cases in Sidoarjo.

Therefore, Jibril invites the public to immediately vaccinate, those who have not vaccinated the third dose, aka booster. Because this booster is one way to protect against covid-19. Jibril is optimistic that cases can be suppressed after the government requires the declaration of a booster.

"Of course, this is very beneficial for the community. It means that as a community more and more people have community immunity", he said.