Film Censorship Institute Denies ‘Lightyear’ Release Gets Canceled In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The film Lightyear is reportedly canceled in Indonesia. This is due to a scene that shows LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) openly.

Rommy Fibri as chairman of the LSF (Film Censorship Institute) denied the news. He explained that LSF has not been able to decide on the broadcast of Lightyear in Indonesia.

The reason is, LSF admits that they are still waiting for Disney to send the material. It is known that Disney sent Lightyear material last month but there are some technicalities that need to be fixed.

“This Lightyear film around May was submitted for review. But at that time there were no subtitles so LSF couldn't fully censor it," said Rommy Fibri to VOI today, Tuesday, June 14.

Furthermore, Rommy explained that a film must have complete technicalities so that it can be censored. Despite the lack of subtitles, the film could not be fully censored.

"The conditions must be complete. Film censorship is not just title but monologue, subtitle, sound. After that, only LSF can issue a censorship letter,” said Rommy again.

When asked about Lightyear, Rommy admitted that Disney had not sent any more material for broadcast in Indonesia. So far, Disney has not submitted any material so the news of Lightyear's cancellation is not true.

“We are waiting for Disney to send the full material with subtitles. If, for example, they send it tomorrow morning and then the letter comes out, it can be broadcast," said Rommy Fibri.

"If Disney doesn't send material to issue a censorship sign, it doesn't mean that Indonesia refuses to circulate this film," concluded Rommy Fibri.

Lightyear, starring Chris Evans, featured a kiss scene between Hawthorne and his same-sex partner. Lightyear is scheduled to be released worldwide starting June 17.