A Witness Of Prospective Brother-In-Law Stabbing In Bekasi: After Being Arrested By Security, The Perpetrator Was Beaten By Residents

BEKASI - A number of witnesses recounted the moments when the perpetrators of the stabbing of a prospective brother-in-law in Bekasi were arrested by residents. As stated by Ilham Komalajaya, the head of the local Neighborhood Unit, who said that at the time of the incident, AY (the perpetrator's initials) was arrested by local security officers.

According to Ilham, there was a chase between the perpetrators and the security guard, assisted by residents. Meanwhile, the motorbike brought by the perpetrator was left at the crime scene (TKP).

"The suspect was finally caught by the security in front of him, chased after him. He (the perpetrator) took a motorbike, left the motorbike," Ilham explained to reporters, Monday, May 23.

"Yes, was caught by the residents. The masses were raging," he continued.

After the mob was enraged, the perpetrator was handed over to the Bekasi Metro Police.

"The residents were secured to the Pondok Kopi post, from there they were handed over to the West Bekasi Police," he said.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Bekasi Metro Police, Commissioner Ivan Aditira, confirmed that the perpetrators had been arrested by his side. Now the perpetrator is being investigated.

"That's right, the suspect has been detained at the Resort Police," he concluded.

Previously, MYS (25) was stabbed to death by AY after reprimanding her sister-in-law's boyfriend. The victim told AY not to smoke in the room because there was a 6-month-old baby in the house who was sick.

"Because the victim has a baby, the suspect smoked in the room. The victim was reprimanded, and an argument broke out," Ilham said.

The perpetrator, continued Ilham, returned to the scene while carrying a sharp weapon, of sickle type.

"The victim was sitting, chatting. Suddenly, the suspect came carrying a sickle," he said.

"There were also relatives of the victim at the location. Because the suspect was carrying a knife, the rest of the family didn't dare, the victim had some resistance, but because his physique was different, he wasn't tall enough. As a result, he was stabbed over and over," he continued.