Commemorating 2022 National Education Day, South Sulawesi Governor Commits To Improve Teacher Competence

SULSEL - Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Andi Sudirman Sulaiman launched a new program to improve teacher competence in his area. The program, called Andalan Baruga, GTK Competence, was launched in conjunction with the 2022 National Education Day commemoration

Andi said that the 2022 National Education Day was momentum for his party to improve the quality of education in South Sulawesi. Including reducing the number of Children Out of School (ATS).

“How can our education, our local wisdom education be strong and then give it character. Bringing the goodness of our general education, religious education, and local wisdom, bringing our generation to have strong leadership," he said as quoted by Antara.

He said that what is important in education is to create quality human resources (HR) with strong morals and leadership character.

"They will become future leaders. We are not in a crisis of smart people and intelligent people, but we need strong morals and leadership characters," he said.

Andi assessed that increasing human resources through education is very important as an investment in the future and hopes that stakeholders in the education world in South Sulawesi can unite patterns of thinking and work patterns to accelerate the quality of education.

Meanwhile, the Head of the South Sulawesi Education Office, Setiawan Aswad, explained that the program could massively increase the competence of teachers and be able to use low costs.

"We also use a platform called the new GTK Learning to improve the performance agility and competence of education teachers," he said.