16 Days Ahead The Race, Formula E Sponsors Haven't Been Announced Yet

JAKARTA - The organizers and the organizing committee of the Jakarta E-Prix or Formula E revealed the progress of planning the race which will be held for the next 16 days, starting from the construction of the circuit, the mechanism of the event, to ticket sales.

However, until now they have not announced any sponsors who will finance the electric car race on June 4.

According to Jakpro's Vice Managing Director of Formula E, Gunung Kartiko only explained that several parties had agreed to become sponsors, ranging from banks to digital companies. However, Gunung did not mention who the parties were.

"From the industry side, I can say that we have quite a variety of sponsors. The first is from local banks, private banks, national, digital companies, electricity companies, food and beverage companies. We also have hospitality, hospitality, then from the health side. , telco companies, and automotive," said Gunung at a press conference in Ancol, North Jakarta, Thursday, May 19.

Gunung said that the explanation of who the sponsors were could not be announced at this time because they were still waiting for a contract agreement between Formula E organizers and FEO approval.

"We will convey the details at a separate time because in a few moments we will still have another contract signed," said Gunung.

"So, God willing, we will update later in the next week, but we can say that these are industries that have sponsored us," said Gunung.

Meanwhile, in terms of ticket sales, currently, tickets to watch Formula E have sold around 28 percent of the total 52.500 tickets sold. The Ancol Festival and Circiut Festival categories with a quota of 40 thousand tickets have already sold 10 thousand.

Meanwhile, for the Grandstand category with 10 thousand seats, around 7 thousand tickets have been sold. The VIP category with 1.050 seats has been completely sold out. Then, the VVIP category with 1.500 seats has been sold 50 percent.