One Of Extraordinary Occurrence, A DHF Patient In West Pasaman Dies

WEST PASAMAN - The case of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra is currently classified as an Extraordinary Event (KLB) because there have been residents who have died from diseases caused by the bites of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.

"Currently, the status is KLB because a patient on behalf of NA (5) died on March 24, 2022, at the West Pasaman Regional General Hospital (RSUD)," said the Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the West Pasaman Health Service, Gina Alecia in Jakarta. Simpang Empat, Monday April 4th.

The KLB status was determined because there were already patients who died and there was an increase in dengue cases.

He said the patient who died was a resident of Jambak Line 5, Luhak Nan Duo District.

The patient entered the hospital on March 23, 2022, was already in a state of shock, and was planned to be referred to the M. Djamil Padang Hospital on March 24, but the patient died.

"In that area, there are two cases of dengue fever and overall in West Pasaman so far there have been 21 cases of dengue fever," he said, quoted by Antara.

To suppress the development of the case, he said, his party had carried out fogging, namely fumigation with pesticides aimed at killing mosquitoes widely in the location where the dengue case was found.

In addition, his party also conducted counseling on the importance of environmental hygiene and mutual cooperation with the community.

"We invite the public to carry out a movement to clean up puddles of water such as tires, flowerpots, and other places. Continue to disseminate information to the community to carry out the three M movements, namely draining, closing, and burying," he explained.

He explained that draining is done by cleaning places that are often used as water reservoirs, such as bathtubs, water buckets, drinking water reservoirs, refrigerator water reservoirs, and others.

Closing water reservoirs such as drums, buckets and others as well as burying or reusing used goods that have the potential to become breeding grounds for dengue mosquitoes.

"Hopefully, through the socialization that we do, it can inspire people to carry out the three M movement," he said.