Government Claims COVID-19 Recovery Rate Is Getting Better
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health claims that the active cases and cure rates for COVID-19 have consistently shown an improvement trend since early March 2022.
"This is driven by active cases which have started to fall since early March and the cure rate which continues to rise every day. Hopefully, we can maintain this trend so that we can get through this pandemic together," said the spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi in a statement quoted in Jakarta, Monday, March 7.
On March 1, 2022, active cases in Indonesia touched 586,276 people and decreased to 475,951 people on March 6, 2022. The decline in active cases was accompanied by an increase in the number of recovered patients from 46,669 on March 5 2022 to 49,080 on March 6, 2022.
Meanwhile, confirmed cases also appear to be improving from 30,156 people on March 5, 2022, to 24,867 people on March 6, 2022.
In addition to the number of active cases and cures which show a positive trend, the number of patient care is also still under control. The occupancy of isolation and intensive beds for COVID-19 treatment reached 29 percent, down from the previous 31 percent.
The government is committed to maintaining national health service facilities and narrowing the space for the virus to spread through testing, tracing, and treatment in order to control the pandemic.
"It is hoped that community collaboration can be realized through their willingness to carry out testing, tracing, tightening health protocols, and defending themselves through complete and booster vaccinations," said Nadia.
Vaccination as one of the government's efforts has also been expanded in scope and accelerated through several new policy scenarios. Complete vaccinations and boosters can reduce the impact of severe symptoms to the risk of dying from COVID-19.
The elderly, people with comorbidities, to children are the most vulnerable and need the most defense from COVID-19 by completing their vaccinations and getting booster vaccinations.