Deddy Corbuzier's Podcast Reaches 91 Million Viewers A Month: Discussing Serious Things Doesn't Have To Make The Forehead Wrinkle

JAKARTA - Podcast is a term that has often appeared recently. This podcast, or broadcast media, has been on the rise for the past three years and is synonymous with a podcast application called Spotify. One of the most popular podcasts in Indonesia belongs to Deddy Corbuzier.

The history of podcasts first appeared in an article by Ben Hammersley in The Guardian newspaper in 2004. The podcast itself originally came from the word Pod which stands for the word Playable on Demand.

Podcasts were originally designed to be played on gadgets that use iOS systems such as Macs and iPods. Podcasts are also getting more and more popular from year to year and reached the peak of their popularity in 2007. Podcasts continue to grow rapidly now.

With the development of today's increasingly sophisticated era, accessing and subscribing to podcasts has become even easier. This flexible access system is what makes podcasts a boom for many listeners to access.

Illustration of podcast, an online entertainment medium that is being enjoyed by young people. (Photo: Unsplash)

According to We Are Social, podcast content is increasingly being consumed by people around the world. As many as 20.1 percent of internet users worldwide listen to podcasts in a week in the second quarter of 2021. In the report, a survey was conducted of internet users aged 16 to 64 years. The first rank of podcast users is Mexico with 33.2%, then Brazil with 32 .5%, Indonesia is in third place as much as 32%. The topics with the most interest were lifestyle 39 percent, entertainment 18.99 percent, the chat format the biggest favorite podcast, at 65.17 percent.

The results of the Jakpat survey show that the number of listeners for internet podcasts in Indonesia is dominated by young people. In detail, 22.1 percent of respondents who listen to podcasts are aged 15-19 years. Another 22.2 percent of podcast listeners are 20-24 years old.

The number of podcast listeners decreases with age. In the age range of 25-29 years, for example, the number of podcast listeners is 19.9 percent. Podcast listeners aged 30-34 are 15.7 percent. News, politics, and discussion of the latest issues managed to attract many fans. At least 18.4 percent of listeners like the genre.

Podcast fans continue to grow from year to year. This can be seen from the increase in advertising revenue which also increases. In 2018, the podcast earned US$479.1 million or Rp. 7.1 trillion at an exchange rate of Rp. 14,800/USD.

Most Favorite Types of Podcasts

In terms of content, podcasts have several types, where each type has its own audience, among which the most favorite is the interview podcast, a podcast where the host will conduct an interview session with different guests or sources for each episode. An example of a podcast interview can be found on Deddy Corbuzier's Youtube channel.

The canal belonging to the former master of illusion aka magic is very crowded. Finally, Deddy's channel has subscribers that reach 17.2 million users, not to mention that every uploaded video can reach 5-13 million views. Currently, it is impossible to discuss podcasts without mentioning Deddy Corbuzier with the slogan "5,4,3,2,1, close the door". This podcast has been watched by almost everyone. This is inseparable from Deddy's role as a host and interesting resource persons.

Deddy is one artist who has successfully turned his back to become a content creator. But different from other content, Deddy always presents chats with sources who currently hits through his podcast. It's no wonder that many loyal viewers are always waiting for the latest videos on his channel. Not long ago, through his Instagram page, he showed the number of viewers who watched his podcasts, which was 91 million views in a month.

@mastercorbuzer, I do this with passion. To give us all the knowledge and experience, 91 million views in a month, that's beautiful."

"Well done master," said the account @ayob*****. "Cool sir," exclaimed @juwita******. "I'm really amazed by you, Bro.. thank you for your extraordinary work," said the account @zalen*****.

Deddy's podcast seems to be a reference medium for clarification because a number of state officials are willing to sit opposite Deddy, discussing the hottest issues. No wonder Deddy's podcast audience is always high. Especially lately, Deddy seems to be focusing on discussing issues about COVID-19.

In addition, the content that was discussed was not left behind. Podcast Deddy has always been at the forefront of discussing hot issues. Not even a few famous people who had limited their appearance in public finally agreed to be interviewed by Deddy.

Deddy was successful in bringing in speakers from various circles. Starting from celebrities, YouTubers, celebgrams, sportsmen, to politicians. The speakers will reveal their other side to things that people have never known and can reveal.

Deddy Corbuzier succeeded in presenting Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto in one of his podcast editions. (Photo: YouTube)

Deddy has invited a number of ministers and regional heads. For example, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani. Not to forget the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziah, who was the resource person and explained the Old Age Guarantee (JHT) which was currently buzzing on Deddy's podcast.

In her Instagram caption, Sri Mulyani revealed her first experience of being a guest star on a podcast uploaded to Deddy Corbuzier's Youtube channel. For him, fun and has many benefits.

"Invited "five four three two one.. and close the door" @mastercorbuzier. Talking about various things, fun, light, funny, laughing, but all of them are meat," she wrote on Instagram, Thursday, January 6, 2022.

Two of his ministerial guests, former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo and former Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Batubara, were arrested by the KPK for corruption. While talking, Deddy felt that Edhy Prabowo and Juliari Batubara didn't look like corruptors.

Even the achievement of episode viewers with Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, who was a resource person on June 13, 2021, reached 15 million. Various sensitive issues were discussed, such as about defense, defense equipment, and the budget. Other topics about the 2024 presidential election as well as other personal matters.

To Luna Maya the celebrity, through the Luna Maya vlog, Deddy Corbuzier told the recipe behind the success of his podcast. Deddy from the beginning refused if what he did was an interview. According to him, interviews are an opportunity to ask and answer questions, while what he wants from his podcast is the concept of talking.

"First, I always don't like interview words, so every time I have a guest star, I set my head, 'this is not interview'.

Collect Resource Person Data

Deddy will usually collect as much information as possible from the people he will talk to. Usually, from there Deddy will get the right topic to be discussed later.

"I know what topics I should bring, I know what he likes. I learn about these persons, I google, I do my homework," he said.

Deddy will look carefully to find interesting things, which will then be used as a topic of conversation.

"I saw you, I learned about you," said Deddy.

Deddy then gives examples of interesting things that can be observed, such as items used by the other person to know their habits.

Deddy Corbuzier and comedian Soleh Solihun. (Photo: Twitter@solehsolihun)

"The actual topic to talk has nothing to do with it, but it's very interesting, people listen," he explained.

Not only looking for and gathering as much information as possible about the other person, but Deddy will also usually find out what his interlocutor has discussed on other social media. Deddy does not want what appears on his podcast is the same information that other people have gotten from elsewhere.

"I don't want to repeat it, because it will be boring and people already know, I'll discuss something they've never heard of. I'll fish for something with what makes you comfortable," explained Deddy.

Non-Judgmental, Unbiased, Non-Hurt

When raising a topic that is considered sensitive, Deddy chooses to distract the other person by changing the way he asks questions, which is basically the same thing.

"When I open myself up, I do Botox, you will feel comfortable, we feel on the same level and you will open that, you will open up with it," explained Deddy to Luna.

"My idea is not to judge this person, my idea is to get information, get as much information as possible about what he likes and what he doesn't like," continued Deddy.

Deddy also emphasized that he does not side with anyone when presenting a podcast, he will invite people without favoritism. He will also listen to the interlocutor without judging them.

"Anyone is welcome to come here, I'm listening without judging, that's very important," said Deddy. It could be that with the same interlocutor, more people will see the podcast than when the interlocutor appears in other places.

Deddy Corbuzier gave an example of a podcast with Luna Maya, it could be that the number of people watching was more than when Luna was elsewhere. "It's not Luna Maya's fault but what Luna Maya wants to discuss is the most important thing,"