Preventing COVID-19 Transmission, The IBL Postponed Bandung Second Series Match

JAKARTA – The IBL 2022 organizers immediately took preventive steps to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. That step is to rest the second series match.

The IBL began to postpone matches since Wednesday, February 2, due to skyrocketing cases. A total of four matches that had been scheduled were not played altogether.

"The Series 2 matches on 3, 4 & 5 February 2022 are postponed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and carry out mitigation procedures for all participants," said IBL in an official release received.

Until now there are still 13 people who have tested positive based on the results of periodic tests conducted on February 1 last. This number includes players and match equipment.

Based on the IBL statement on Wednesday, there are still four teams whose players are still exposed to the coronavirus. The four teams are Satria Muda Pertamina Jakarta, Bumi Borneo Basketball Pontianak, Dewa United Surabaya, and Prawira Bandung.

In addition to the players, as many as five referees also tested positive. They are Abdurrahman Rajib, Arnaz Anggoro, Christmas Eben EM, Rochmad Yanuwardi, and Lukmanul H Lubay.

The IBL President Director Junas Miradiarsyah said that mitigation measures need to be taken by his side because this season is still long. They will continue the second series after the cases are reduced.

"Although there are positive cases, so far there are more healthy personnel and there are also personnel who were initially positive and have recovered with negative results. In order to prevent and stop the spread, we will rest the rest of the second series of matches," said Junas.

The number of postponed matches made the IBL make plans to extend the Bandung series. The schedule for the second series is supposed to run from January 29 to February 5.