JAKARTA - Pre White Party, Now Party Near Closet (NPNC) is one of the party slogans that is always blown by one of the hotel accounts in the numbers, Kemang, South Jakarta. This party event was held three days at the end of the week. However, for Friday night the event with the NPNC slogan held on the rooftop which is on the 6th floor, the gay community often visits. Gay is part of a group from LGBT whose existence is prohibited in this nation.

From the investigation of the VOI team, the event which was held at a hotel in the South Jakarta area, for Friday at a special title for gays (homo) who came with their partners. Unmitigated, Rooftop which is divided into two sides of the out door and indoor with a swimming pool and small park can accommodate 350 visitors. The VOI team came to the location as a visitor after contacting the number written in the flyer. The goal is to prove whether there really is a special party attended by gays.

When contacted, the number turned out to belong to a hotel in the Kemang area. An explanation related to the registration process to enter the party was also given in a friendly manner.

"The registration process is like this to enter a party held by our side. The goal is to make it easier for ordinary visitors when they enter before being given a bracelet. But Friday tomorrow is not an event because it is the end of the year. The NPNC event will be there again after the new year. We will provide further information via WhatsApp message," said GRO section to VOI by telephone, Thursday, December 28.

When asked why many men are in pickmarks every Friday, they said the arrival of the men had been around since Thursday-Saturday. But the peak is right on Friday.

"We hold events every Thursday until Saturday. For Thursday and Saturday there are around 150 people. But on Friday it can be up to three hundred more. It's very tight. I suggest re-registering it at 21:30 or 22:00 WIB. Because if after that there will be queues and usually long. For ordinary people, you should just stand near the bar to see don't come down to the floor to dance, it will be full," he said.

Thursday night it was decided by the VOI team to follow the advice given. When entering the first floor of the hotel, it did look a bit strange. Not a lobby like a hotel in general, but cafes and receivers are located a bit inside. The security guard, who without a smile, asked the VOI team where he wanted to go. After being explained and re-registered, asked if he wanted to take the stairs or elevator again. The Voi team decided to use a capsule-shaped elevator with a glass on each side.

That's right, Thursday night the atmosphere of the rooftop was not as busy as expected. Call it Jay, one of the male visitors who was standing near a small park near the swimming pool. According to Jay, the gay event was indeed held according to the schedule determined by the organizers or the Even Organizer (EO). He also mentioned that the special gay event is usually filled with their respective partners.

"They ( Gay-ed people) will not be seen or impressed as gay when met below. It can be clearly known when they are on the dance floor while dancing with their partner. That's the reason the theme used is closed," Jay told VOI.

It didn't last long, at 23:00 WIB, the VOI Team left the hotel and looked for the meaning of the closet which became the theme of every event held from the hotel. Based on the blue Flyers, the NPNC theme on December 22, there is the writing Pre White and the words Now Party Near Closet.

Meaning Closet (Lability)

Initially this word when using English-American refers to small private rooms, such as spaces for learning or prayer. Quoted from Hannah L. Kushnick's journal of the University of Chicago, the word closed or cupboard since the 17th century is considered an idea about the privacy of someone who wants to hide facts or keep things a secret.

Someone who hides the fact that they are gay and is described as a closed person, or as a homosexual. Putting someone out, which means revealing that they are gay, is a short way to say 'forcing them out of the cupboard'. The wardrobe comes from a close word, which is good in the sense of 'close' and covering' comes from the Latin claudere, also a source of someone confining or closing himself.

The wardrobe can also be used as a symbol of protection from threatening dangers such as what happens to Catholic priests when they are persecuted during the Elizabeth I administration. The function of the cupboard itself is based on two words, namely, close and closed above explaining what items are in the cupboard, nothing guarantees that other people will explore if they do not reveal their own whereabouts.

The wardrobe also has less legitimacy than the room. It's definitely a non-social space (whether you're thinking about small private learning space or modern storage space); it forces isolation. (Except, of course, the clich of cleaning-meared dating officers, which is another example of sexual behavior hidden out of shame or desire for privacy.) Even though everything is possible to find a way out of the cupboard, while they'll be in it, they are prohibited from participating fully in what's going on outside.

The essence of all of this provides an overview of what it's like to hide someone's sexual identity: difficult, unnatural, dark, precarious, isolated, and perhaps destined to fail.

One Of The DJs At The Party Was The Founder Of Club Vixxen

Zara Zahrina, who has a Skeletale account in 2022, is one of the founders of a nightclub called Club Vixxen. Quoted from Youtube MixMax Asia, Club Vixxen is a club that shows queer and femme talent in a unique style, where dressing up is highly encouraged and expressing itself is a must.

Zara wants to provide inclusiveness to everyone on dance music scene, especially for talent from the query community and bring their DJ set to be known to many people.

"I made the Club Vixxxen with my Jordan friend in 2022. At that time there was no inclusive event that invited a lot of laning femme from the queen community, for example. So we felt the need to make the container," said Zara Zahrina.

Based on VOI's search, the term query explains various sexual identities. Umbrellas that protect various heterosexual identities and genders such as LGBT. For example, bisexual and gay groups that are part of the queer community.

Berdasarkan buku berjudul Foucault and Queer Theory (1999) menjelaskan term queer tidak merujuk pada identitas jender secara khusus, seperti gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, atau lainnya. Buku itu menyebutkan bahwa queer ada untuk siapa saja yang terdominasi karenaientasi atau praktik seksualnya.

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