Still in Beta, Post News Will Roll Out New Security Features Next Week
Post News will launch a new feature next week (photo: Post News)

JAKARTA - Unlike other Twitter alternative platforms, namely Hive Social and Mastodon. Post News, a social media platform, was just launched about two weeks ago.

Right now Post News is in beta, as its team wants to go public after the chaos of Elon Musk's leadership is at the forefront. Post News has features that are almost similar to Twitter, such as creating posts, to re-sharing other people's posts.

On Tuesday, November 29, Post News founder Noam Bardin shared some of the updates they've been working on this week, including new user introductions, security features, and more.

“That means there will be a bit of a release this week that you can check out. This infrastructure will allow us to increase the number of users we allow and release many of the features we are looking for,” Bardin said in a post on Post News, which was spotted by TechCrunch.

Bardin also revealed that in the current beta version of Post News, they have kicked out 65k users out of a total of 335k waiting list. He shares some of the things the Post News team is working on, which is expected to be released this week:

  • Fixes an error when trying to follow someone or view their profile.
  • Updates limited to Re-Post feature.
  • A mute feature, which is expected to be released, is subject to infrastructure progress.
  • Updates to composer and some front-end items.

Given that currently Post News is still in early beta, Bardin stressed, maybe this platform is not suitable for everyone, because they still have to wait for the polishing of the features in it.

"I know there's been a lot of disappointment about things we haven't released yet, blocking users, seeing who likes your posts, annoying RePosts that clog feeds, not being fully accessible, notifications, looking for hashtags, DMs, native apps, dark mode, said Bardin.

Bardin decided to prioritize, however, by balancing the needs of current users and their waiting list users.

Currently, the Post News team is trying its best to build its infrastructure. Whether those features will roll out next week or not, we still have to wait for the decision.

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